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Reply 1
read the lovely lessthanthree's FAQ...
Reply 2
I have. I knew all that before. What I want is experiences of people who've been on it, so I can ask them questions and stuff.
um I don't like the idea for some reason
i have it
can't forget to take it
no periods
feel totally sure i can't get pregnant
can't be affected my stomach upsets etc

no periods
tender boobs at the moment
i think i have slightly more spots
no periods :smile: ?? Does that affect u u psychologically in terms of hormones :smile:
i used to have it then i had it taken out as it was giving me too much pain!!
no discuisting taste
no getting preg
gives you great orgasms!lol
can hurt!! (sometimes not always!!)
no period!!
have to go to docs to get inserted and have to go and check p every 12 weeks!!
i like having no periods but i do miss having them, i don't really know why...!
but it affects women in diff ways- my mate had really light bleeding every day for 2 months after having it in and she gets random light periods every so often.

it didn't hurt to put in as they did a local just felt bruised afterwards and itched for a few weeks as it healed up.

definitely does not affect my orgasms!!
i'm thinking of getting the implant but i'm worried about:
1) Getting one long continuous period as loads of people seem to get
2) Getting ickky skin

I've been on the pill for nearly 3 years and i would prefer to switch to the implant, but do any of those who've got it know what the liklihood of the above are? And if these side effects did occur, could i just get it taken out straight away?

Also, just out of interest if anyone knows, if you don't generally have periods on it, how would you know you were preganant eg after the 3 years when it starts wearing off?

Reply 9
can i ask... how do they take it out?!
Reply 10
lol err not for me then *throws up*
Reply 11
lol no really not for me! i nearly passed out when i touched my friends implant!
Reply 12
I had a 6 week period when i first got mine, then a week off then a 5 week period then 2 weeks off ect. I haven't had one in a couple of months now, so I'm assuming mine have stopped. I think it's great, I still used to worry with the pill because I am a bit forgetful and it can be affected by tummy uspests.
I think people should be more aware of the implant, most people I tell about it think that it's for irresponsible people who can't be trusted to take the pill, for slags and hookers, when really it is the best option for young people.
Creeps me out...I'm quite content with taking my pill

Thought of having a hairpin type thing under my skin

Eurgh :P

As with everything...each to their own!
Thanks for your answers guys. I think i'm def going to go on it and risk the annoyance of the one-long-period thing. No i wasn't on the pill for my skin, mainly cos i used to get such heavy, painful periods and wanted to know when i was going to come on! The implant def seems a much better idea and hey i think the feeling of it in your arm is quite novel!!

<3 i did read you fact sheet thingy, thanks for that, i was just wanting some ideas of other people's experience with the whole marathon period deal! So any more examples are quite welcome...!
Reply 15
I'm still considering it but I doubt I will end up going on it - light or not, I am NOT having a period that lasts longer than a week, thank you. Heh. I don't have many periods on the pill anyway, I take a couple of packs in a row and that works brilliantly for me.

I am worried about my nurse refusing to give me the pill because I don't want to quit smoking...Can they do this? =/ She did say she would, so I'm assuming she can. I have another 5 and a half packs to go before my next checkup though, plenty of time to decide.
Reply 16
I had a 6 week period when i first got mine, then a week off then a 5 week period then 2 weeks off ect. I haven't had one in a couple of months now, so I'm assuming mine have stopped. I think it's great, I still used to worry with the pill because I am a bit forgetful and it can be affected by tummy uspests.
I think people should be more aware of the implant, most people I tell about it think that it's for irresponsible people who can't be trusted to take the pill, for slags and hookers, when really it is the best option for young people.

:eek: 6 week periods then 5 week periods? Was it quite light though? Oh dear I dont want a period that goes on for that long... Am planning on getting it when I get my next period - only about 3 weeks away!
Yeh Mangomaz that's exactly what i was umming and ahhing about!!
Reply 18
do you have to pay to get it fitted? where do they fit it?
Reply 19
Yeh Mangomaz that's exactly what i was umming and ahhing about!!

But I'm thinking from what lessthanthree said, it would be a pretty light period...(im hoping anyway!) and then just think afterwards - no periods woooo!

I'm going to get it anyway and just hope for the best :smile:


do you have to pay to get it fitted? where do they fit it?

Its free and you just go to a family planning clinic or any kind of sex clinic that does them and they fit it for you (although they may say it can only be fitted when you're on your period depending where you go). It goes in the top part of your arm - read lessthanthree's very thorough write up!