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can i write in capital letters for the exam

I’ve found that if I write in lower case letters and am trying to write quickly, it just ends up being an illegible scrawl but if I write in capitals, it’s a hell of a lot easier to read and I can write quicker in capitals since this is how I usually write stuff. However, im not sure whether I would get penalised for doing this because the examiner may assume I cant use capitals correctly so does anyone know if theres an official ruling on this
Reply 1
I don't think it really matters, unless it's for English :confused: As long as it makes sense you'll be fine.

On most exams Spelling / Punctuation / Grammar and layout are only worth 3 marks.

On most exams Spelling / Punctuation / Grammar and layout are only worth 3 marks.


the essay bits will mark you on the stuff above, which like the person said, only worth around 3 marks.

I don't see how writing in capitals is quicker :confused: but if it works for you then that's fine, it's up to you, but those few marks could mean a grade difference

the essay bits will mark you on the stuff above, which like the person said, only worth around 3 marks.

I don't see how writing in capitals is quicker :confused: but if it works for you then that's fine, it's up to you, but those few marks could mean a grade difference

i guess its just because im used to writing in capitals. anyways, i think i'll probably just write in lower case since im doing english lit so the examiner may not look too kindly upon it and 3 marks is a lot of marks
Reply 4
I wouldn't do it. I think it's extremely risky. It's just appalling writing style for an exam. You're not scribbling notes - this is something important that people will read.
Reply 5
What you need to do is find out who is the teacher that's in charge for organising the exams at your college, and go speak to them because they will be able to check officially for you, or go on the exam board website and look at the rules and regulations to see if there is an official ruling?
I wont advise you to do that in language/literature exams, though u may do that in scince papers. However, it is better 2 confirm that with ur exams officer first.
Reply 7
I sometimes write in capitals. Never been a problem, though I can't guarantee that I've done it in exams (certainly in English courseworks though). As long as you make the capitals at the beginning of sentences/proper nouns etc. obviously larger than the others, I can't see that there's anything wrong with it at all.
Illegible writing will lose more marks than capitals will, as they won't be able to read your brilliant ideas, so can't award you marks for them!

They're looking for what you're writing, and how you're expressing it at this level - not your handwriting.
Reply 8
as long as its legible and not too sore on the eyes it should be ok :tongue:

yeah as stated b4 as long as its not an english exam it should be ok
Reply 9
are there SPAG marks for sciences? or layout for maths?