The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2
I think so yes. Although right now thanks to a moron judge you can only bail someone for 4 days. :facepalm2:
Are you planning on being arrested in the near future?
Reply 4
Original post by jus2sik
i know they do in the US but im not sure if we do here, ive never been arrested and im just curious.

Bail is the practice of releasing a person either from police custody or whilst they're going through the courts, not the sum (the bail bond) which is taken.

Anyway, bail in the UK is almost always on a person's "own recognisance", often with conditions attached. That means no money is involved. Bail will be granted automatically unless there's some reason not to give it - ie, the person might run off. If that's the case, then they'll be remanded in custody.

In the US, there is a developed system of bail bondsmen, who will essentially pay bail and guarantee that the person shows up. If they don't, the bondsman can hire bounty hunters to seek them out, thus retaining their bond from the court.

Also then is the bail refunded?

Yes. That's the point: you give over a sum that the court thinks you won't want to lose as a guarantee you'll come back.
(edited 13 years ago)
Sometimes money or a 'sureity' can be requested from the defendant or a guarentor on behalf of the defendant in return for release on bail for serious cases. However in the UK it is very rare this happens.
Reply 6
Original post by jus2sik
i know they do in the US but im not sure if we do here, ive never been arrested and im just curious.

Also then is the bail refunded?

No, we don’t do that here, we do however have something called surety, but that is normally in the form of a family member committing to the task of making sure the defendant attends back at court.
(edited 10 months ago)