The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I don't think you will find many people online yet starting at Hughes Hall this coming October. Hughes more so than many of the other mature Colleges doesn't take too many people on undergraduate courses, and most of the graduate applicants will not have been assigned their College places yet. There should be more people around April which is when I heard about (Graduate) College confirmation last year, it may take longer for those who have not been allocated to their first choice College.

Incidentally despite living quite near Cambridge and having spent my undergraduate years there I never saw the College and do not believe I even met anyone from it (despite knowing quite a few people from the other graduate colleges)!
Reply 2
I think either killermonkeys or Infiniteen might be at Hughes. Maybe PM them? :smile:
I know one person from hughes, and she's doing a PGCE so I guess she won't be there next year.

cool, well yes I would suppose that most have not been assigned their places yet.

Still if any one has been, always good to chat :smile:
Nope, not at hughes, but I do know some boaties and others from there. Hughes is one of the smallest grad colleges, and as PDJM said, they don't have a lot of undergrads. I know a few but none of them are on TSR as far as I know. If you have any specific questions I can ask them in a few weeks when I get back.
Reply 6
I'm an undergrad mathmo from Hughes :P

A rather lonely undergrad mathmo, cos I haven't met any other undergrad mathmos from this college :frown:

Not for you! there are many LLM students here :smile:
Reply 7
If you look at the class lists Hughes does take a large number of LLMs, it seems to take many LLMs who are not taken on by their first choice College. A friend of mine was offered a place there, but he turned it down for the House instead. However, next year's LLMs will not have their offers yet unless they deferred.
My first choice was Corpus Christi :frown:
Reply 9
And your second choice?