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hmmm... i like a guy to be bigger than me, which doesnt take much, but not fat fat! well built so i feel protected more like... I cant imagine girls liking skinny blokes...
Reply 2
I don't like overly muscular guys. Thin is fine, but not if he's thinner than me. Panic.
Reply 3
Strange, I have a thing for thin guys :redface:
don't really care. Though 20 stone+ is gonna be kind of challenging.
hmmm... i like a guy to be bigger than me, which doesnt take much, but not fat fat! well built so i feel protected more like... I cant imagine girls liking skinny blokes...

:ditto: most definately :five: xoxo
right on.

skinny men are a little..well, they freak me out.

yep! me too!

oooh... unless they're pete doherty... or tortured musician type... i have a thing for those... but still prefer built!
Reply 7
i like my guys to be muscular. i had a really skinny boyfriend and yeah, i agree with above posters, it is no fun going out with someone who is thinner than yourself. plus theyre not than comfortable to lean on or hug or whatever. but mmm muscular, yeah i like muscular :biggrin: . but not those weird body building types.
Reply 8
I know a few really skinny guys who are reallly good looking and lovely :-)
Reply 9
yep! me too!

oooh... unless they're pete doherty... or tortured musician type... i have a thing for those... but still prefer built!

Reply 10
I don't mind (maybe even quite like?) a bit of fat on guys, it makes them more cuddly and, well, human. In the same way that ultra skinny girls don't look quite right, I don't think ultra skinny guys do either.

... or tortured musician type... QUOTE]

:eek: :p: definitly the best
Reply 12
yep! me too!

oooh... unless they're pete doherty... or tortured musician type... i have a thing for those... but still prefer built!

I torture musicians. Would that do?
Reply 13

... or tortured musician type... QUOTE]

:eek: :p: definitly the best

Please note, the above poster and I do not represent the normal population.
i think the majority have already noticed :biggrin:
Reply 15
i think the majority have already noticed :biggrin:

Just in case any guys think our taste reflects anything like the majority of the population.:biggrin:
Reply 16
Heh, whenever I come manage to settle on something I like in a man I meet someone who proves me wrong :rolleyes: Didn't think I really went for skinny guys until I met my ex and it never really bothered me that he was skinnier than me (weighed more, but weight distributed differently, obviously). Now I quite like skinny guys (David Tennant mmm mmm mmmmm).
I'd prefer a man with some meat on him to a thin one. I like men that look like they could protect me with a bit of a tummy and nice muscly arms mmmm
Reply 18
I like chunky men, muscles aren't really necessary, but they're nice. Skinny is a big no no for me. xx
I torture musicians. Would that do?


Do the musicians have to be tortured? :frown: