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I don't see why they are different to normal girls. Could it just be that she is hot? or you like the fact that they might tie you up in chains and whip you pleasurably?
no such thing as a hot goth girl really

in any case the girl would look hotter if she stopped dressing like an attention seeking ****
Reply 3
I am a heterosexual girl, so can't really comment, but I would say that that picture is not flattering. (And also that Evanescence are a load of crap). Aren't people supposed to fancy Marilyn Manson's wife or is she just scary? I know people that fancy Avril Lavigne...she used to be slightly gothic. Um...
Reply 4
I really have a thing for Goth girl. I think they are really sexy. Now, I am not a Goth myself so I figure I will never get to have my way with a Goth girl, for want of a better word. Anyways I think it would be cool if other people could post pics of Goths they think are sexy. Below is Amy Lee, the ex-lead singer of Evanescence...

I've only been with one goth girl, she was beautiful, she had me enchanted, I have no idea why she dressed herself up like she did but she was beautiful.

I've never had it before but, it must of been her confidence or something but she had me totally enchanted and could of had me/did have me twisted around her little finger. She just oozed Sexuality.... amazing really.

Not my normal type of girl, but everybody has a change dont they.
Reply 5
I don't see why they are different to normal girls. Could it just be that she is hot? or you like the fact that they might tie you up in chains and whip you pleasurably?

Yeah, I think there may well be an S&M element to the OP's motives for liking a bit of goth. :cool: And I agree with serious narb it is all attention seeking which is why you don't tend to find many adult 'goths'; just confused teenagers wanting to rebel from social sterotype groups such as chavs/scallies/townies and essentially doing the exact same thing (conforming to a peer pressure group who hate to conform to society :rolleyes: ).
Reply 6
I really have a thing for Goth girl. I think they are really sexy. Now, I am not a Goth myself so I figure I will never get to have my way with a Goth girl, for want of a better word. Anyways I think it would be cool if other people could post pics of Goths they think are sexy. Below is Amy Lee, the ex-lead singer of Evanescence...


Not that I like goth girls.


No, really. Honestly. Bloody repulsive.
Reply 7
God. Do not get me started on the whole "goth" scene :rolleyes:
Reply 8
Yeah, I think there may well be an S&M element to the OP's motives for liking a bit of goth. :cool: And I agree with serious narb it is all attention seeking which is why you don't tend to find many adult 'goths'; just confused teenagers wanting to rebel from social sterotype groups such as chavs/scallies/townies and essentially doing the exact same thing (conforming to a peer pressure group who hate to conform to society :rolleyes: ).

Lol trust me - I am not into S&M
Reply 9
Ooooh yeah... :eek: :p: :wink: Sure you're not.
I really have a thing for Goth girl. I think they are really sexy. Now, I am not a Goth myself so I figure I will never get to have my way with a Goth girl, for want of a better word. Anyways I think it would be cool if other people could post pics of Goths they think are sexy. Below is Amy Lee, the ex-lead singer of Evanescence...

amy lee's still the singer of evanescence as far as i know. You mean you like girls who dress in 'gothic' style clothes? that can be anyone really. But if you're going into people who call themselves 'goths,' then most would agree it's a personality type and half of the goth population don't dress or look any different than the average person.
Reply 11
Ooooh yeah... :eek: :p: :wink: Sure you're not.

Lol I don't know why I am supposed to be offended...because I'm not into S&M lol - That's nasty! yuck... But I think goths can be reallllllllllllly sexy - Provided they are good looking of course...

Saying I am into S&M just because I like goths is like saying someone who likes a woman dressed in a school girl uniform is a paedophile. It's just not true...


amy lee's still the singer of evanescence as far as i know. You mean you like girls who dress in 'gothic' style clothes? that can be anyone really. But if you're going into people who call themselves 'goths,' then most would agree it's a personality type and half of the goth population don't dress or look any different than the average person.

Yeah I think you are right - It is the dressing up of goths - Not what they do or believe in because I don't know anything about that
Reply 12
serious narb
no such thing as a hot goth girl really

in any case the girl would look hotter if she stopped dressing like an attention seeking ****

And that she is. And she's false too - she is not Goth - it's all for her band's 'image'. She even admitted that the clothes she wears onstage, in videos, etc. are just "part of the act" and that she indeeds "dresses normally". What a pleb.
Reply 13
And that she is. And she's false too - she is not Goth - it's all for her band's 'image'. She even admitted that the clothes she wears onstage, in videos, etc. are just "part of the act" and that she indeeds "dresses normally". What a pleb.

Lol that is fine by me because she looks sexy in her stuff
And that she is. And she's false too - she is not Goth - it's all for her band's 'image'. She even admitted that the clothes she wears onstage, in videos, etc. are just "part of the act" and that she indeeds "dresses normally". What a pleb.

she never claimed to be goth in the first place. Whether dressing normally or not, it doesn't make a person any more 'goth.'
Reply 15
she never claimed to be goth in the first place. Whether dressing normally or not, it doesn't make a person any more 'goth.'

"Goths" definately dress to a stereotype and that is what I am talking about
Reply 16
Yeah, I think there may well be an S&M element to the OP's motives for liking a bit of goth. :cool: And I agree with serious narb it is all attention seeking which is why you don't tend to find many adult 'goths'; just confused teenagers wanting to rebel from social sterotype groups such as chavs/scallies/townies and essentially doing the exact same thing (conforming to a peer pressure group who hate to conform to society :rolleyes: ).

Listen mate, we're ALL attention-seeking at heart. The only reason that goths are construed as more so is because the style isn't widely accepted by most people. And you know why you don't see many adult 'goths'? Because during the day they're working. Yes, like actual, normal people. When I go to work, I don't wear my 'own' clothes. It would be inappropriate. Equally, when my parents go to work, they wear different clothes.

Teenage goth fashion and adult goth fashion are really quite different. Yes, it is a form of rebellion - if you define rebellion as setting yourself apart from the norm. And isn't that what a lot of 'normal' people do when they try and find the 'perfect' belt or shoes or outfit for an occasion?

What you wear and what you listen to and what you like and who you hang around with is an extension of yourself and your personality. Only difference is, goths express it differently.

So for Christ's sake, stop with the repressed goth-bashing. Yes, there's an S&M element to it. If you want there to be. Its just clothing and if wearing a corset, black eyeliner and fake hair makes goths angsty teenage wannabe rebels well, long may it reign. Because it makes us happy.

And yes, goth girls are hot. But the goth boys are hotter.
Reply 17
Listen mate, we're ALL attention-seeking at heart. The only reason that goths are construed as more so is because the style isn't widely accepted by most people. And you know why you don't see many adult 'goths'? Because during the day they're working. Yes, like actual, normal people. When I go to work, I don't wear my 'own' clothes. It would be inappropriate. Equally, when my parents go to work, they wear different clothes.

Teenage goth fashion and adult goth fashion are really quite different. Yes, it is a form of rebellion - if you define rebellion as setting yourself apart from the norm. And isn't that what a lot of 'normal' people do when they try and find the 'perfect' belt or shoes or outfit for an occasion?

What you wear and what you listen to and what you like and who you hang around with is an extension of yourself and your personality. Only difference is, goths express it differently.

So for Christ's sake, stop with the repressed goth-bashing. Yes, there's an S&M element to it. If you want there to be. Its just clothing and if wearing a corset, black eyeliner and fake hair makes goths angsty teenage wannabe rebels well, long may it reign. Because it makes us happy.

And yes, goth girls are hot. But the goth boys are hotter.

Every goth ive ever known has tried to break away from the 'trend' but the fact that the idea hadnt come to them before the fashion existed is probably just a coincidence. A real goth wouldn't run around saying im well gothic look at me anyway, ones that do are obviously trying to follow the fashion not break away from anything. How are goths look hot they wear trench coats, big boots and wish they were Neo out of the matrix. Emo chics on the other hand are quite often hot, but they would be equally hot if they were chavs - but probably with a worse personality.

[EDIT] Marylin mansons girlfriend is quite hot:

But as far as he goes he isnt gothic he is just making millions out of teenagers who wish they were depressed and suicidal.
ex-lead singer? Have i missed something..
Reply 19
And that she is. And she's false too - she is not Goth - it's all for her band's 'image'. She even admitted that the clothes she wears onstage, in videos, etc. are just "part of the act" and that she indeeds "dresses normally". What a pleb.

Pleb? She makes thousands from silly goth kids who think she is goth! As does Marilyn Manson! It's all an act to make money...I'd say it was very very clever...