The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Oh man, I wanted to do my science teacher - Mr. Aindow. It was mad! From year 9 -11 I had a HUGE crush on him. Lol.
*raises hand*
Reply 3
I have a bizarre crush on Jeremy Paxman, does that count?
Reply 4
:ditto: :ditto: :ditto:

God yes.
I fancy Jose Mourinho.
Reply 6
I fancy Patrick Stewart and Richard Attenborough. Funny thing is though, I'm straight.
Reply 7
haha yeah. I fancy 4 of my teachers.. All much older than me of course. 1 is 40.. 2 are 36.. 1 is 34. :smile:
Reply 8
Hell yes. Currently like a 27 year old, used to fancy my 33 year old teacher. Older men are just sexier.
Reply 9
i am totally obsessed with this guy who is 47

god i want him so bad

i would leave my bf for him in a second if things were different
Reply 10
totally agree with OP. Have never liked a guy my age, its always being guys older than me, ESPECIALLY my teachers. Curently its a 30 year old teacher who I constantly flirt with even though I have no chance:rolleyes:
Reply 11
Oh yeah, totally. Although ten years up is the maximum age difference for me :smile:
Reply 12
Have definitely fancied older men :redface: Phew I'm normal!
Reply 13
i am totally obsessed with this guy who is 47

god i want him so bad

i would leave my bf for him in a second if things were different

wow :eek: OK maybe not THAT old :redface:
Wow, I am a oldie student,yep so gals here I am. Maybe we can study together, and talk about the first thing that pop's
Reply 15
This thread has convinced me.

When I graduate, I'm becoming a teacher.
God, I'm becoming a teacher tommorow.
Reply 17
Ah at the moment I am really falling for this 32 year old guy, trouble is we're related. It's only by marriage, there is no blood between us, but still I'm really close to that part of my family and if we ever split up family gatherings would be difficult. Oh, and he has a girlfriend... :rolleyes:
Reply 18
It's a natural part of life, I say [largely because I fancied a 50 year old man when I was 12]. It's absolutely normal.
Reply 19
As a 34 year old bloke, this thread has cheered me up no end, I can tell you.:biggrin: