The Student Room Group

The OFFICIAL Cambridge Decision thread

Ok, only post if you have heard. I'll get this thread stickied ASAP.


If you got an offer..
If Conditional what are the conditions?:

How are you feeling about it all now?
Will you buy musicboy a pint when you get here:


Please also put your data on this table - as kindly supplied by Willa. It's a nice convenient way of looking at applicants.

By College - updatedby Liana 7/1/2006
Christ's College
Sarahliz12345 (Natsci- bio)
Cynicalmoose (History)
Yichung (Economics)
Feanor telamon (Maths)
Piggypinky (Land Econ)
Kenrick (Medicine)
seashellstar (Natsci - phys)

Churchill College
KingLeigh (Compsci)
I N V U (Natsci phys)
Cervo (Compsci)

Clare College
Narin (Natsci - Bio)
Samf (MML)
Lucyvet2006 (Vet med)
Jeeves228888 (Natsci phys)
S.Y. (Maths)

Clare Hall

Corpus Christi College
Mahi (SPS)
Afterhisheart (MML)
Psyche87 (Medicine)
Gstamant (Oriental Studies Chinese)

Darwin College

Downing College
rpotter (NatSci phys)
Duke Flipside (NatSci phys)

Emmanuel College
samd (Natsci phys)
cutealicious (MML French and Spanish)
simxp (maths with physics)
flossie (Law)
Nimish (Engineering)
Elizabeth (Classics)
JohnStuartMill (History) (pooled by Emma but taken back)
Sculler (Maths)

Fitzwilliam College
lucas05 (engineering)
Bluebird (Economics)
Manthi (Law)

Girton College
niff524 (History of Art)
Leanneman (MML)
LieutenantBeast (History)
Sp123 (Economics)
Swimmer88 (Geography)
Dewdrop (English)

Gonville and Caius College
Emmalina (SPS)
Mr_jim (MML)
Gravastar (Oriental Studies Japanese)
Doodler1 (Economics)
Catinmoonlight (Economics)

Homerton College
Kellas (engineering)

Hughes Hall

Jesus College
Apagg (Economics)
Star_crossed (English)
liliwt (Medicine)
Anwar (Law)
555-4623 (NatSci Phys)
pure6gapper (Maths)
aczayraybay (Compsci)

King's College
essjaydee_88 (MML Germand and ab initio Russian)
**noooni** (SPS)
Joe 87 (NatSci phys)
Tropsy (Maths and Compsci)
Loocy (Medicine)
Jigglypuff (Philosophy)

Lucy Cavendish

Magdalene College
bennyboyhanning (vet med)
Pengcheng (Engineering)

New Hall
outrageous121 (Vet med)
Silly (Medicine)
Lionsden (Medicine)

Newnham College
*bethany* (English)
Kay123 (English)
Bryllyg (English)

Pembroke College
Parsleythelion (Medicine)
Dharini1987 (Economics)
Yujun (Engingeering)
Bingo Jesus (Maths)
-x-nina-x- (philosophy)
Bloke from bumblebee3's school (Maths)
Soonalvin (Natsci bio)

Quagmire (Maths)
Mata (English)
afoneleri (Medicine)
wanderer (Maths)
Moleo (NatSci bio)
Trundle (History)
Rubysolstice (Chem Eng)

Queens' College
Drsmeeth (MML)
Robson safc (Land Econ)
Aired (History)
TC'87 (Medicine)
Aenor (Law)
JL (Maths)
Trixie (Natsci bio)
Dylan (MML)

Robinson College
mrcheese (Architecture)
Undry1 (maths)
Thefish_uk (engineering)
Pengfei Gao (Engineering)

St Catharine's College
Sassygirl (Medicine)
Arran (Maths)
Toscar (English)
Bigluce (Geography)

St Edmund's College

St John's College
maria88 (Law)
The_$_Factory (Economics)
Aired (Natsci bio)
Katie (MML)
Toto8462 (Economics)
Steve MO6 (Maths)
Nellers (Geography)
Clematis (NatSci phys)

Selwyn College
doitsujin (Oriental Studies Japanese)
popop124 (Natsci bio)
Inkx2u (English)
Cchrisco1 (Engineering)
Katie a7x (Law)

Sidney Sussex College
A_n_d_y (natsci bio)
Kellywood_5 (French and ab initio Spanish)
Schmitz (law)
Bazlette (MML)
Lisa 2k (Engineering)
Friendlyneutron (Medicine)

Trinity College
Goshjosh (Engineering)
Opaque13 (Land Economy)
MarkDavies (Law)
N9ne (Economics)
Bootrasman (Economics)
*Liana* (Medicine)
opulunina (Economics)
mkxz (Chem Eng)
life rockz (English)
samd2603 (Economics)
OnWhatWingsDare (Natsci phys)

Trinity Hall
ljfrugn (Maths)
Lama (economics)
Allyria (MML French and ab initio Russian)
Sarah_1988 (Medicine)
Haze (History)
Catherine2772 (Natsci bio)

Wolfson College

By Subject - compiled once again most marvellously by parsleythelion

Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic

Archaeology & Anthropology

Mrcheese (Robinson)

Elizabeth (Emma)

Chemical Engineering
Rubysolstice (Peterhouse)
mkxz (Trinity)

Computer Science
KingLeigh (Churchill)
Cervo (Churchill)
aczayraybay (Jesus)

Yichung (Christ’s)
Bluebird (Fitz)
Sp123 (Girton)
Doodler1 (Caius)
Catinmoonlight (Caius)
Apagg (Jesus)
Dharini1987 (Pembroke)
The_$_Factory (John’s)
Toto8462 (John’s)
N9ne (Trinity)
Bootrasman (Trinity)
opulunina (Trinity)
samd2603 (Trinity)
Lama (Tit Hall)

Education Studies

Nimish (Emma)
lucas05 (Fitz)
Kellas (Homerton)
Pengcheng (Magdalene)
Yujun (Pembroke)
Goshjosh (Trinity)
Lisa 2k (Sidney Sussex)
Cchrisco1 (Selwyn)
Thefish_uk (Robinson)
Pengfei Gao (Robinson)

Dewdrop (Girton)
Star_crossed (Jesus)
*bethany* (Newnham)
Kay123 (Newnham)
Bryllyg (Newnham)
Mata (Peterhouse)
Toscar (Catz)
Inkx2u (Selwyn)
life rockz (Trinity)

Swimmer88 (Girton)
Bigluce (Catz)
Nellers (John’s)

Haze (Tit Hall)
Cynicalmoose (Christ’s)
JohnStuartMill (Emma)
LieutenantBeast (Girton)
Trundle (Peterhouse)
Aired (Queens’)

History of Art
niff524 (Girton)

Land Economy
Opaque13 (Trinity)
Robson safc (Queens’)
Piggypinky (Christ’s)

Flossie (emma)
maria88 (johns)
Schmitz (Sidney Sussex)
MarkDavies (Trinity)
Katie a7x (Selwyn)
Aenor (Queens’)
Manthi (Fitz)
Anwar (Jesus)

Feanor telamon (Christ’s)
S.Y. (Clare)
simxp (Emma)
Sculler (Emma)
pure6gapper (Jesus)
Tropsy (King’s)
Bingo Jesus (Pembroke)
Quagmire (Peterhouse)
wanderer (Peterhouse)
JL (Queens’)
Undry1 (Robinson)
Arran (Catz)
Steve MO6 (John’s)
ljfrugn (Tit Hall)

Parsleythelion (pembroke)
Sassygirl (Catz)
Sarah_1988 (Tit Hall)
Silly (New Hall)
Kenrick (Christ’s)
Psyche87 (Corpus)
liliwt (Jesus)
Loocy (King’s)
Lionsden (New Hall)
afoneleri (Peterhouse)
TC'87 (Queens’)
Friendlyneutron (Sidney Sussex)
*Liana* (Trinity)

Modern & Medieval Languages
Allyria (Tit hall)
Cutealicious (emma)
Mr_jim (Caius)
essjaydee_88 (King’s)
Kellywood_5 (Sidney Sussex)
Bazlette (Sidney Sussex)
Katie (John’s)
Dylan (Queens’)
Drsmeeth (Queens’)
Leanneman (Girton)
Afterhisheart (Corpus)
Samf (Clare)


Natural Sciences
samd (emma) (phys)
Narin (Clare) (bio)
Aired (John’s) (bio)
popop124 (Selwyn) (bio)
A_n_d_y (Sidney Sussex) (bio)
Catherine2772 (Tit Hall)(bio)
OnWhatWingsDare (Trinity)(phys)
Clematis (John’s)(phys)
Trixie (Queens)(bio)
Moleo (Peterhouse)(bio)
Joe 87 (King’s)(phys)
555-4623 (Jesus)(Phys)
Duke Flipside (Downing)(phys)
rpotter (Downing)(phys)
Jeeves228888 (Clare)(phys)
I N V U (Churchill)(phys)
seashellstar (Christ’s)(phys)
Sarahliz12345 (Christ’s)(bio)
Soonalvin (Pembroke)(bio)

Oriental Studies
doitsujin (Selwyn)
Gstamant (Corpus)
Gravastar (Caius)

-x-nina-x- (Pembroke)
Jigglypuff (King’s)

Social & Political Sciences
Mahi (Corpus Christi)
Emmalina (Caius)
**noooni** (King’s)

Theology & Religious Studies

Veterinary Medicine
bennyboyhanning (Magdalene)
outrageous121 (New Hall)
Lucyvet2006 (Clare)
(edited 2 years ago)

Scroll to see replies

Reply 1
Why does no one's post come early? Mine will be here at 10, by which time I'll be at work...
My god. Wasn't expecting this today. Looks like I'm the first!
Letter was dated 31st so must be high-speed Cambridge post...

Name: Hannah
Course: Medicine
College: Pembroke
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Offer!

If you got an offer..
Conditional/Unconditional? Conditional
If Conditional what are the conditions?: A in Biology, A in Chemistry, I already have an A in Maths.

How are you feeling about it all now? :dancing2:
Will you buy musicboy a pint when you get here: Hell yes.
Reply 3
Nice one! Seems like they post-dated letters and sent the mail out yesterday. Does anyone want me to start a list like how French Pikachu did last year?
Name: Lawrence
Course: Mathematics
College: Trinity Hall
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Offer

If you got an offer..
Conditional/Unconditional? Conditional
If Conditional what are the conditions?: AAA including Maths and Further Maths, and 1's in STEP II and III

How are you feeling about it all now? At something of an anticlimax; I don't think I'm going to pass STEP anyway...
Will you buy musicboy a pint when you get here: But of course.
Reply 5
Name:My boyfriend, Sam
Course:NatSci Bio

Oh, the pain, I hope he gets picked out. He's a great guy, definitely Cambridge material. At least if he doesn't get picked out he can live safe in the knowledge that he was good enough for Cambridge, just not lucky enough. :redface:
Reply 6
Name: Eamonn
Course: History (V100)
College: Trinity Hall
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Pool

All these emotions at the moment: :smile: :rolleyes: :frown: :eek: :confused:
Name: Roisin
Course: English
College: Corpus Christi
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Rejection.

Oh well. I tried.
Reply 8

Name: Cat
Course: English
College: Pembroke
Offer/pool/rejection: Pool (eek)
How am I feeling?: A mixed bag: glad they think I'm good enough, but also scared I might have to go for another interview, and wishing I knew the outcome now.
Oh man--to all who got pooled, good luck, and to all who got accepted--congrats!!!!!!!!!!! :smile:
Name: Dharini
Course: Economics
College: Pembroke
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Offer

If you got an offer..
Conditional/Unconditional? Conditional
If Conditional what are the conditions?: AAA

How are you feeling about it all now? Really happy! Got it this morning and my dad woke me up with the letter, it was great!
...looks like Pembroke sent out early letters!
Reply 12
Name: Lama
Course: Economics
College: Trinity Hall
Offer/pool/rejection: Offer!!! :biggrin:
Conditions: AAA and A in AS French (omg I promised with mylself that I'll drop it if i get an offer)
How am I feeling? well, at first obviously i was over the moon :biggrin:, but when it came to reading the conditions ... :eek: oh no, I'm in trouble, how can I get an A in AS French when my grades are C and B?!?!
Will you buy musicboy a pint when you get here: Sure
Reply 13
More Pembroke people! Well done!! I'm coming up to do History there next year (got a deferred place last year, am on gap year at the moment)...

Anyway, go Pembrokians! :smile:
Reply 14
Ickle Baby Economists! Weeee!!
An Aside - there any university you DIDN'T APPLY TO?!
Reply 15
Name: Rosie
Course: MML (French and ab initio Russian)
College: Trinity Hall
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Offer :eek:

If you got an offer..
Conditional/Unconditional? Conditional
If Conditional what are the conditions?: AAA

How are you feeling about it all now? I'm in shock ... I completely screwed up the interview, one of my pieces of written work was appalling ... but they want me ...
Will you buy musicboy a pint when you get here: Well, OK ... but only one ... :biggrin:
Reply 16
Name: Sam
Course: Nat Sci (Phys)
College: Emmanuel
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Offer!

If you got an offer..
Conditional/Unconditional? Condit.
If Conditional what are the conditions?: AAA (inc. Maths and Physics)

By the way mine came in a very thin envelope with just a single piece of paper in. So it doesn't necessarily mean it is a rejection.
Reply 17
Name: Sam
Course: Nat Sci (Phys)
College: Emmanuel
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Offer!

If you got an offer..
Conditional/Unconditional? Condit.
If Conditional what are the conditions?: AAA (inc. Maths and Physics)

By the way mine came in a very thin envelope with just a single piece of paper in. So it doesn't necessarily mean it is a rejection.

yay for our first emmanuellite offer!
Reply 18
Reply 19
Name: Bee
Course: Q300 English
College: Trinity
Offer/Pool/Rejection: Rejection :frown: