The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Most probabley they will have, but what does it matter really? Quality not quantity is vital here I think
I'm 18, only ever had one proper boyfriend, quite recently too, and that didn't really last too long.

Then again, it depends what you mean by boyfriend. I mean quite a serious relationship. I've had relationships before 18 but I wouldn't consider them boyfriends (I really don't like that word actually :frown: )
Reply 3
I know other 19 year olds who've not had a boyfriend, I think they both went to all girls schools, but can't be that unusual
Reply 4
me too i know loads of people like you hell i was one until a few weeks back

dont worry your totally normal...whatever that is
Reply 5
As one of my honourable friend said it's quality but not quantity that matters so just hang in there and you will find the special one...and I reckon that 19 is a bit early
Reply 6
Don't worry your not alone, i've just turned 21 and am in my first serious relationship..i've dated other guys since i was 19 but i wouldn't call them boyfriends. My two best friends have never had boyfriends either and they don;t care at all, infact they don't really want one at the moment.

I use to think i would never find anyone i really liked who liked me too, but it does happen!! Also, one of my friends from uni has never had a serious relationship and another has been going out with her first bf for 6 months and she turned 21 in july.

Once you've found someone who'll be like is this all ive been stressing about since i was 16! :rolleyes:
Reply 7
I met my first (and only) boyfriend at university, at the age of almost 19. I think it was worth the wait. Another friend of mine didn't have a boyfriend until her 20s - just didn't meet the right person before then. Again, she is now very happy.

Reply 8
Well I am almost 19 and have never had a propper boyfriend. I dont really care but
Tbh you obviously do. Why else would you be posting here? There's no point lying to yourself or spout quasi-feminist ad-lib because you feel you should. It's ok to give a hoot!

Not that I don't understand, I'd certainly care if at my age I'd never had a girlfriend. Granted I'm nearly 4 years older than you but still..

Advice wise, get yourself out there! Go on the market etc. etc. No point wallowing in self pity. You're young, try different men out. There's zero pressure for commitment at your age. But most important of all: have fun!
Best of luck :smile:
Reply 9
I know it's tough - I felt like that. It does knock your self-esteem somewhat, but you will find someone interested in you (if you're lucky he won't be obsessed about you!)
I didn't even know any boys at 18 (single sex school) but I went to Uni and met my first and current boyfriend on the first day. I'm glad I didn't have to go to uni already going out with someone and try to sustain a long distance realtionship, and it was definitely worth the wait! He is amazing.

So don't worry, just enjoy yourself!
Reply 11
I've NEVER had any relationship in any form, and I can't even get close, but I've realised that it's not a question of "will he/she like me?", rather "will he/she be good enough for me?". That is the psychology of somebody more confident in themselves who can live their own life and eventually find their life partner. Granted, when all your peers have relationships and ex's it knocks your self-esteem (I know), but if one keeps an open mind when meeting others, the time will come (I hope :frown:)
Reply 12
I think that most people will have a had a relationship of some sort, even if only for a few months at a young age. Serious relationships are a different thing though. xx
Reply 13
I think that most people will have a had a relationship of some sort, even if only for a few months at a young age. Serious relationships are a different thing though. xx

That's true, because young people are exploring the nature of deeper relationships and are unsuccessful most of the time due to realising that their impulses led them to a person they are no longer interested in, or lacking the maturity to compromise for a relationship. Lifestyle doesn't particularly accommodate for it anyway. However I have never come close to any form of relationship... :frown: that's partly down to me not "putting myself out", because I rarely find it worth the effort.