The Student Room Group

gay girl

well yeah. but why is it not obvious to my friends? Okay i pulls guys but i pull girls too and they just think i do it for fun. if someone asks me am i gay or whatever i have said yes. but my closest friends dont seem to click. how can i make it a bit more obvious to them. i was going to tell them last time i was out with them-my plan was to get really drunk. so i did, ended up with 7 double vodkas and my friends putting me in a taxi before i could tell them.
Reply 1
How about wait until you get a girlfriend then you can come out and people will take you more seriously? Though I'm not saying get a girlfriend just for the sake of proving you're gay... just wait until you do, then let them know.
Reply 2
no i wouldnt advice comming out while your drunk, they may not believe you wait until an appropriate moment, for example when having a girlie night in and just hint at it some more before dropping the bombshell so to speak
Reply 3
well yeah. but why is it not obvious to my friends? Okay i pulls guys but i pull girls too and they just think i do it for fun. if someone asks me am i gay or whatever i have said yes. but my closest friends dont seem to click. how can i make it a bit more obvious to them. i was going to tell them last time i was out with them-my plan was to get really drunk. so i did, ended up with 7 double vodkas and my friends putting me in a taxi before i could tell them.

why do you need 2 prove to them that u are gay? if you told them and they can accept it then stuff them, its nothing really to do with them, they arent the ones pulling girls are they? concentrate on yourself! you dont need to prove anything to anybody!
Reply 4
Hmm yea I agree you shouldn't have to prove yourself to them that you are gay or whatever. If you wanna pull girls then go for it, it's really got nothing to do with them. Still if you feel like telling them which is fair enough, you want to be honest with them and whatnot, then just sit them down one day and well..just..tell them straight out. Preferbly not drunk because they aren't likely to believe you then.

It's quite funny to be honest, my friends think im gay, not. Lol. :wink: Doesn't bother me, just means I can have a bit more fun messin with them.
Reply 5
well yeah. but why is it not obvious to my friends? Okay i pulls guys but i pull girls too and they just think i do it for fun. if someone asks me am i gay or whatever i have said yes. but my closest friends dont seem to click. how can i make it a bit more obvious to them. i was going to tell them last time i was out with them-my plan was to get really drunk. so i did, ended up with 7 double vodkas and my friends putting me in a taxi before i could tell them.

Just say to them straight 'im a lesbo' that should tell them unless they are really stupid :confused:
okkkkkk u are gay and you should tell yer mates if they laugh dont be mates with dem anymore
with dem anymore

Why do people feel the need to speak like this!?! :confused:
They might already know and not think it's a big deal, or think it but then aren't sure due to you pulling guys too?
Reply 9
Alot of teenage girls say they are gay, get off with other girls, mess about etc but when a seriouse relationship pops up they run like the wind.

Maybe they just think your doing that?