The Student Room Group

Two Interviews and an Exam on the same day. WHAT DO I DO?!

ok i am panicking quite a bit :frown:

just before xmas i found out i had an exam on the 11th of january.

then about 2 days later i recieved a letter from queen mary's telling me i had an interview on the 11th of january.

two days after that i got another letter telling me i have an interview at Kings on the 11th january.

i dont know what to do. i think i have the queen mary's sorted out because they seemed quite ok with changing the dates.

but the kings interview. i really really do want to go, but i don't know if i will be able to cope with an exam in the morning and then travelling to london to do the kings interview which according to them is like an exam. on the letter kings say they "regret they will most likely be not be able to change the date".

so... do you think i should try and ask kings if they would change the date? do you think they will be understanding if i explain i have an exam? or do you think i should just do both things?

i really can't decide what to do, so any suggestions will be appreciated. thankyou x
Reply 1
Tell them both that you have an exam on that date and if they can both change.

You'll do a lot better in the exam and the interviews if they are all of separate days.

If you explain to Kings that you have an exam on that date and that (if applicable) it is quite difficult to get to them, they should change it, or at least be more lenient on you.
Your exam is the most important. Ring up Kings to explain your situation...their interview is possible to rearrange, your exam is not.
Reply 3
Good luck with all three!:smile:
Reply 4
hope it works out
Reply 5
thank you for all the advice and stuff :smile: i have got a new interview date for Queen Mary's and Kings say they will re-arrange for February sometime. And the exam went ok to! i hope. :p: