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Reply 1
how bout its really expensive?? Im an international student. However, that factor is mitigated a little by the whole Commonwealth trust bursaries. Cambridge is the only uni I think that offers those bursaries to us international students. So there're not bad there even!
Reply 2
i didnt see the town or inner cambridge, but what i saw on the outskirts, i didnt like!

- no decent food (and if you eat in public, you have to act very civil, not take big bites lol)

- very tight with heating, its literally freezing

- few shops

- bus stops arent nice
Reply 3
how bout its really expensive?? Im an international student. However, that factor is mitigated a little by the whole Commonwealth trust bursaries. Cambridge is the only uni I think that offers those bursaries to us international students. So there're not bad there even!

It's not actually any more expensive than any other uni though...?
Reply 4
Yeah. sorry to spoil the tone of the thread but if I can afford to go anywhere, it's Cambridge - I'd struggle big time anywhere else... compare £400ish bursary from Leeds per year to... more than £1200 per year (can't remember but possibly something like that... will check and edit) from Cambridge. Cambridge beats Edinburgh and Sheffield in this respect too, for me anyway.

EDIT: Ooh... according to Cambridge bursary calculator it would be something like £2500 from Cam and £2000 from the government. I'd still be struggling I expect, but nowhere near as much as at any other uni!
Reply 5
It's not actually any more expensive than any other uni though...?

Umm...its not as expensive as studying in London [UCL, LSE, King's] due to the living expense factor. Cambridge will cost us internationals roughly about 18 000 pounds a year. Other unis like Durham, Nottingham will cost us somewhere like 15 000 pounds a year. UCL might be about 19 000 pounds a yr. Its the 3500 pounds we have to pay as college fees in addition to living that makes it more expensive than other places - I may be wrong, but ive done a bit of research on this, as finances play quite a big role down here [you can buy a really good lunch for 1 pound over here!!!!.]
Yeah. sorry to spoil the tone of the thread but if I can afford to go anywhere, it's Cambridge - I'd struggle big time anywhere else... compare £400ish bursary from Leeds per year to... more than £1200 per year (can't remember but possibly something like that... will check and edit) from Cambridge. Cambridge beats Edinburgh and Sheffield in this respect too, for me anyway.

Same here. I can afford Cambridge and Durham who both offer £3000 bursaries (I think) whereas everywhere else doesn't offer as much. Unfortunately I have offers from everywhere else and not from Cambridge or Durham!
On the other hand (just to be fair) I would rather study 3 languages than 2 and other universities offer a lot more choice as far as cultural options are concerned but Cam only offers literature/linguistics (though it could be worse!)
Reply 7
This is turned into 'why i love cambridge ' thread
Reply 8
manchester offers 5k a year, which amounts to 15k at the end of a three year degree -- if you get 3A's in your alevels. :smile:
You have to work harder if you get into Cambridge...more work, less play...that's gotta be seen as a bit of a downside!
Reply 10
manchester offers 5k a year, which amounts to 15k at the end of a three year degree -- if you get 3A's in your alevels. :smile:

Is this only for UK students or for internationals aswell?
Reply 11
It's not actually any more expensive than any other uni though...?


it has nice scenary though
Reply 13
i didnt see the town or inner cambridge, but what i saw on the outskirts, i didnt like!

- no decent food (and if you eat in public, you have to act very civil, not take big bites lol)

- very tight with heating, its literally freezing

- few shops

- bus stops arent nice

Can anyone show me a nice bus stop? I haven't seen one yet in my life...

There are loads of good shops and that cater for a wide variety of tastes

Why on earth do you have to be civil when eating in public? I mean anymore so than any other town
Reply 14
Ummmm....... apparently there's no mountains between Cam and Siberia or something... means it's very coooold.

Also they make us wait ages before sending out letters :-).!

Maybe I'll think of some more if I get rejected...

Reply 15
Gets very foggy. Town too small (well, I am from London). Don't allow us cars initially.

Will come up with more when I get rejected.
Reply 16
Can anyone show me a nice bus stop? I haven't seen one yet in my life...

There are loads of good shops and that cater for a wide variety of tastes

Why on earth do you have to be civil when eating in public? I mean anymore so than any other town

I think you've misunderstood the purpose of this thread...begone, and take your positivity with you!
Reply 17
there's that whole thing about them cutting off your genitals at matriculation
too much work
too many silly traditions
too cold (urals are between siberia and cambridge, but they're at the siberia end)
too windy
too many apathists
not enough marxists
alcohol is too expensive
most expensive sainsbury's in britain
too many scientists.

Reply 19
Is this only for UK students or for internationals aswell?

It is only for UK students with family incomes of less than £17500

My family earns about £40K so I don't get many bursaries however, because I am taking an "in demand" type subject, Manchester will still give me £1000 a year for AAA while Sheffield will give me £250 a year for each A I get. Not that much but to quote the best supermarket ever, every little helps.

Reasons why Cambridge sucks:
Train station has choice of One Railway and WAGN. Both have crappy 70s style trains.
Not only that but the toilets at the station are skanky. Do they even have cleaners?
Engineering course is really general
They don't offer me any bursaries
Hard work
Town centre has as many colleges as shops
They have Starbucks and Cafe Nero witin about 100 yards of eachother. Oh the multinational liberties!
Not enough scientists

notyourpunk: London has nice bus stops with glass roofs and electronic things telling you when the next bus will come and everything. They also have this really nice, luxury bus station type thing in Stratford