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Reply 1
doing things that give me great pleasure......
What does being good in bed, or bad in bed involve? I often hear that phrase used about someone, that they were good in bed but I'm confused over what it is. Does it mean knowing all the technical stuff or being enthusiastic...etc.?
Any ideas?

It means that they don't steal the duvet cover or snore :rolleyes:
Reply 3
It means that they don't steal the duvet cover or snore :rolleyes:

ok, thanks for clearing that up.. :rolleyes:
Reply 4
someone is 'good in bed' if they satisfy you, if i had sex with someone and i didn't really enjoy it and it didn't feel that good and there was no way they were ever gonna make me come, i'd prolly refer to them as 'bad in bed' boyfriend on the other
Reply 5
It means that they don't steal the duvet cover or snore :rolleyes:

LMAO! :biggrin:
Hehe - I think it means that you enjoy your time in bed with each other... lots of ways to do that :wink:
Reply 7
fuglyduckling - who's the naked man you're clutching in camwhore pic 5?
fuglyduckling - who's the naked man you're clutching in camwhore pic 5?

It looks like former Gladiator "Wolf".
Fuglyduckling clutches naked men? Maybe that's his definition of being good in bed.. who knows.
someone who doesn't lean on your hair or accidenally pull on the belly bar!
Reply 11
A good story teller/reader.
Someone who doesn't drool on you and fails to clean up signs of moisture afterwards.
Remnants of most liquids are always such a large no-no.
I'm good in bed.
I'm good in bed.

Good for you :smile:
"Good in bed" means plenty of orgasms all round I would say.
I'm good in bed.

A claim you can't prove via the internet. :p:
Reply 17
It means that they don't steal the duvet cover or snore :rolleyes:

A claim you can't prove via the internet. :p:

Unless they have a webcam...
Unless they have a webcam...

Nah - not the same I'd imagine.