The Student Room Group
Reply 1
time to stop.
Reply 2
i know it isn't healthy, but to other smokers, is it normal to get such a rush? :confused:

I'm not a smoker, but the rush (of nicotine) is what makes it so addictive, people don't light up to solely get some tar on their lungs.. The first few cigarettes can make you feel dizzy or have no effect whatsoever but it gradually wears off as you smoke more and more, turning into a gradual dependence.
started smoking about a month ago, only really do it when i'm drunk, but it calms me down so much. i really get such a rush of nicotine (or something)

i know it isn't healthy, but to other smokers, is it normal to get such a rush? :confused:

Stop now before it's too late!
Reply 4
Stop now before it's too late!

:ditto: erm yes, i should probably have added that!
started smoking about a month ago, only really do it when i'm drunk, but it calms me down so much. i really get such a rush of nicotine (or something)

i know it isn't healthy, but to other smokers, is it normal to get such a rush? :confused:

You get a headrush for about the first 30 you smoke and then it stops. If you stop for a few months and then smoke another you'll get the same rush. It's not particularly nice. Smoking is a ****ing awful idea for a million and one reasons. The "calming" effect is fake; indeed being calm is a beneficial state for the body whilst smoking has no health benefits. Something like sport or sex/masturbation is a far healthier way of staying calm (and you look considerably less stupid - unless of course you're masturbating in public and/or are crap at sport).
Reply 6
i don't do it very often. tho i see your point(s). the irony being that before i started smoking i hated it. also why is it that its only 1 specific brand that gives me this feeling and not others?

is it anything to do with the alcohol?

sory to be so dumb :redface:
Reply 7
i don't do it very often.

well be smart for once and dont do it at all
Apparently drink does heighten the effect of smoking. Which brand does it? Probably it's a stronger one...
Reply 9
the calmness is rather smoking actually increases your heartrate...

some brands are smoother than others...and the alcohol will def take the edge off it..

just lay off it..least dumb thing you can do.
i don't do it very often.

Sounds like you're in denial. Stop now!!!! :biggrin:

also why is it that its only 1 specific brand that gives me this feeling and not others?

I guess different brands use different quality tobacco, so maybe that's why you may notice it more with a certain brand.

Sorry to repeat myself, but STOP NOW!!
well be smart for once and dont do it at all
you have a point. but then is it better that i drink instead?

i think both as as bad as each other.. should i just stick to one (drinking)?

actually my drinking was a problem for me for a while (whilst depressed)

I'm so confused, i also smoke in well, secret. no-one knows about it. so maybe subconciously i know i shouldn't. erm. sorry im so confused
Reply 12
well drinking in moderation is usually perfectly fine. you cant however smoke in moderation at any level.

and next time remember the anonymous tick box...
well drinking in moderation is usually perfectly fine. you cant however smoke in moderation at any level.

and next time remember the anonymous tick box...

yeah ok i ****ed that one up

but i do tend to smoke in moderation, it really is only when im drunk (like now)

ive never done it sober, and when sober i still feel strongly against it.

which is weird :s:
Reply 15

and next time remember the anonymous tick box...

Reply 16

yeah ok i ****ed that one up

but i do tend to smoke in moderation, it really is only when im drunk (like now)

ive never done it sober, and when sober i still feel strongly against it.

which is weird :s:

appears you need to sort yourself out...
Reply 17
oooook deleted posts...makes sense...
oooook deleted posts...makes sense... and my idiot drunken state :frown: bah
Reply 19
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