It all started around easter, my then best friend has a friend from a different school and they are very good friends. When I first met this person I instantly liked them and I knew they were the type of person I could easily get on with. So we started to become better friends and the 3 of us would do things but then my best friend then started to get jealous or something and tried to stop me being friends with the other person by not inviting me anywhere. After about a week that went away and I started going about with them again then one day I invited my best friend and his friend to go out but my best friend didn't get the message so I just went out with his friend, when my best friend found out about this he went crazy and I got angry with him for going crazy and trying to stop me from being friends with the other person.
I didn't speak to my best friend for about a month and then we started to become friends again but I never really forgave him because I haven't seen the other person in more than 4 months and I got along really well with them, probably better than anyone I have ever met. This has been depressing me for all these months now and I miss my other friend but I can't really do anything about it because I decided not to do anything with the "other" friend for a while because it would make my best friend angry and he wouldn't speak to his friend. Then I felt like I couldn't invite the person to do anything because I hadn't spoken to him in ages and it has just been like that for 4 months now. This has made me extremely angry and every time I see my "best friend" I feel like punching him a lot, my other friend even asked if I would like to go skiing with him this winter the day that I went out with just him and not my best friend.
(obviously my best friend is not my best friend anymore and I was just calling him that because I didn't know how else to describe it, if I was still friends with the other friend as I called him he would probably be my best friend)
If you read that thankyou and well done because it can't have been a very interesting read. Please comment on what you think of my situation and what I should do.