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Sugestions Appreciated

This is going to sound as though i'm being a complete cow, but it really isn't like that. It isn't really a problem, as such, but it just troubles me a little. Basically it concerns my best friend, whom I think the world of. She's quite attractive, and would naturally get attention from guys as a result. However, she always insists upon, well, flaunting her assets a little. NOW THIS ISNT A JOKE SO TRY NOT TO RIDICULE MY EFFORTS HERE...She's got rather large boobs, perhaps a D? But with the ever-present wonderbra, they look enormous. Now this wouldnt be a problem for me if it wasnt for te fact that she really is showing too much. She'll always wear a rediculously low-cut top to emphasse this aspect further. Now, she's by no means what obne would call a 'tart' of sorts, but she attracts the wrong kind of attention and it kinda upsets me. For example, I lost count of the amount of times guys literally shouted at her ''youve got huge tits!!''. Sounds harmless, but its all so degrading.
You see, I know i probably sound jealous, I'm not. I'm doing this because i care. I'd be interested to know what other people think? For example, she was seeing a guy who I think she rather liked. he text er last night telling her that, although he liked her, he had a problem with her 'flaunting' herself so much. She was rude to him and replied saying that "she'd never previously had any complaints like that". I tried to convince her not to be so hard on him, but she wouldnt accept it. my boyfriend had also come out with us, and he merely said tat she was a pretty girl and sould maybe cover up occasionally to display this. He explained that this is what he found attractive about me in the sense that no guy would want their girl to receive such sexual attention.

It's caused a few problems, and i'm seeing her tomorrow. I'd realy lke to offer her some advice, as this always happens merely by how she dresses. I only want to help her, it gets me down that everyone kinda makes fun of the way in which she does this.
Reply 1
Don't really know what you could say to her, it's a tricky one! In the future you could always try going shopping with her and influencing her purchases towards more stylish and less revealing tops.
Reply 2
Bring up the subject of this guy she liked and what he said, ask her how she feels about it? You might carry on talking about it and maybe be able to open up to her? She will probably appreciate your honesty if you say what you think.
Reply 3
Its her life let her do what she wants.
Reply 4
It only seems to be you with the problem. She seems fine. If that's what she wants to do then let her. xx
Reply 5
Tell her directly, "Your boobs are drawing unwanted attention. If you are going out with me dress properly."
If it's genuinely not annoying her (which it doesn't seem to be) stay out of it - if she's happy then you meddling is going to do nothing but upset her!
Nominate her for Trinny and Suzanna? I don't know, I think the best way would be basically slagging off other people wo dress the same, it might make her see sense? Then again I've got a mate who does almost the same and we let her get on with it now...
Reply 8
:ditto: If she's happy then really there is not a lot you can say. However, if you believe that perhaps her need to draw attention to herself is due to insecurities or something else, then talking to her about it and reassuring that she doesn't have to wear such revealing clothes to get attention may help :confused:

Like people have said before if it's only bothering you then I guess you shouldn't really meddle. The fact that it's starting to impact on her relationships and stuff though may indicate that it may also be starting to affect her life in a negative way also. Talking to her nicely and tactfully cannot possibly cause that much harm and will probably leave you both feeling a lot better :biggrin:
She sounds like me, I always wear low cut tops, and my friends always mention it, but I like them =D So I don't care. If you've got it, flaunt it. So what if she gets attention, if it bothered her she wouldn't wear them. You shouldn't worry about what you're friends wearing, concentrate on yourself =D
A lot of girls do it to draw attention away from their faces
If she's embarrassing herself (and you!) then perhaps you could suggest that she tones down the revealingness of her one likes a tart!
if she isnt bothered... perhaps just tell her that you think the guy she was texting had a fair point.. but if she likes the way she is then i sont think theres much u can do about it - sori hun xx
It's hard to tell with some people why they do things...but it could be a confidence thing with her. Maybe she feels the only way to get attention is to parade her body like this. come on all girls do it at some stage especially when you know you're going to see that person and you have to look sooooo good. but maybe she feels this all the time . it might not be a conscious thing. perhaps higlighting other features (less fleshy) might help her with her confidence. Or maybe she just enjoys the attention and if she gets it why not. Some guys like girls who show of as they want to show off their gfs....