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Reply 1
the morning after pill works by giving you a high dose of the hormones that make you have your period so that you get it immediately. they shouldn't be taken lightly because they throw your body way out of whack- which can also mean severe cramping, nausea, and mood swings. It should never be used as your main source of birth control.
Reply 2
if your being careful then there should be any need to take it often should there? it should be used for emergencies only
Obviously there is such a thing as too much. I had a friend take it twice in one week and she was dog sick and really off with her moods with it.

how often do you mean?

well...i've only taken it twice. first time i took it was back in sept...and 2nd time was earlier this week. it's a huge gap i know...but i was just wondering about the pills in general. :s:

and the chances of me taking them anytime soon again is rather slim. i think.
nah, thass fine.

But silly billy, you need to maybe think about some more adequate contraception.

luff xx

i know. i really thought about implant (you probably remember how i bombarded you with questions before uni haha)...but never got it cos for the past few months i never had any reasons to have needed them.

it's only when i'm back in hk...and still not over someone...that "accidents" happen. :frown: my love life is rather messed up. :frown:

pssst - how's vet school btw? got exams after xmas as well? (i'm still cramming :bawling: )
Just wondering what's the best way to go about getting it. As I really need to go today really, I know I was silly. Shall I try to see my Dr, or go straight to a phramacy?
Reply 6
Go to your doctor or local gum clinic, at least it'll be free that way :smile:
Thanks, I'm just not sure how easy it'll be to get an appointment, I might just go down to my doctors in a sec and ask :smile:
And don't forget to take a pregnancy test if your period is late. Don't do what I did: I listened to my gyno, who told me it was normal for my period to be late after I'd taken the MAP. A few weeks after he told me that, I found out it was late because I was pregnant, but because of the stupid MAP.
Reply 9
i feel sorry for u gals sumtimes....i mean..u gals have soo many issues to sort out...
*not because of the MAP, can't edit because I'm anon.
i feel sorry for u gals sumtimes....i mean..u gals have soo many issues to sort out...

True. I'm not with my ex-boyfriend anymore, and he doesn't have a clue what I'm going through. Not that it is fault, he did tell me the condom had split, but still, it's so unfair he doesn't have to worry about anything...
Yeh, but this is entirely my fault really, so hopefully I'll be ok!!
Reply 13
yaa...juz take care of urself..n enjoy sex in a serious way..orelse if sumthng goes can b a disaster
Reply 14
Boots offer it over the counter if that's easier. Well most boots, go to the pharmacy in your nearest boots and ask for the pharmacist and then ask her/him for it.

Not sure about how the clinics handle it, but this way is pretty straight forward and not embarrassing :smile:
yaa...juz take care of urself..n enjoy sex in a serious way..orelse if sumthng goes can b a disaster

Sure... but it's not only girls who are careless and "enjoy sex in a non serious way" who find themselves in this situation. It happened with my first partner, I'd been waiting for someone I felt comfortable with (It happened six weeks ago, I'm 23), we used condoms every single time, except it ripped the last time, I took the MAP, I went to see my gyno as soon as I could... All right, I wasn't on the pill. That was the only mistake I made. But I'd been with the guy for a month, and I'd bought it, was due to start it two weeks after it happened (was waiting on my next period).

When I found out I was pregnant, I was devastated, not really because of the decision I had to make - it's quite clear in my mind what I have to do, and my mum is very supportive - but because so far, I'd always thought girls who find themselves in that situation are only careless girls who sleep around and don't take care of themselves.

That's not true. It's a pity I had to find out the hard way.

(A bit of a rant, sorry, I guess I need to get it out of my system).
Reply 16
The short answer is that taking the morning after pill is safer for your health than pregnancy, even if you're taking it often. So don't ever think 'oh, I took it last week, I don't want to take it again today' - it's still the safer option.

However, the reason it isn't recommended as routine contraception is that it is worse for your health (and less reliable) than other forms of contraception, so it's best to avoid the situation where it's needed in the first place. But I'm sure you know that already :wink:.
Reply 17
Sure... but it's not only girls who are careless and "enjoy sex in a non serious way" who find themselves in this situation. It happened with my first partner, I'd been waiting for someone I felt comfortable with (It happened six weeks ago, I'm 23), we used condoms every single time, except it ripped the last time, I took the MAP, I went to see my gyno as soon as I could... All right, I wasn't on the pill. That was the only mistake I made. But I'd been with the guy for a month, and I'd bought it, was due to start it two weeks after it happened (was waiting on my next period).

When I found out I was pregnant, I was devastated, not really because of the decision I had to make - it's quite clear in my mind what I have to do, and my mum is very supportive - but because so far, I'd always thought girls who find themselves in that situation are only careless girls who sleep around and don't take care of themselves.

That's not true. It's a pity I had to find out the hard way.

(A bit of a rant, sorry, I guess I need to get it out of my system).

What's that?
What's that?

I'm not gonna keep it.
Reply 19
hmm..i thnk ppl who believe in sex after marraige..are better off...which is wht i m gona do...