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Reply 1
Blissy will probably kill me, but Newnham. They've got much prettier gardens, aren't up the hill and I've met more people from there.

Reply 2
Blissy will probably kill me, but Newnham. They've got much prettier gardens, aren't up the hill and I've met more people from there.


I'm a bit biased, but what the hey - Newnham is so amazing - it's absolutely beautiful, my room is huge with a piano just for me and none of the fellows treat you like you're more 'sensitive' than blokes, or make sexist comments. Having said that, in defence of New Hall, it has the world's biggest feminist art collection which is extremely impressive.
Reply 3
Hey Bumblebee3 what are you studying at Newnham? It's great to hear some positive comments though as some people say things like even if they get pooled to an all girl's college they wouldn't go. At the end of the day to me Cambridge is always Cambridge and you're going there to supposedly learn something about your course. They are all girl's colleges but the lectures are mixed and for subjects like the sciences, most of your time is spent at lectures/labs or so I've heard.
Reply 4
Hey Bumblebee3 what are you studying at Newnham? It's great to hear some positive comments though as some people say things like even if they get pooled to an all girl's college they wouldn't go. At the end of the day to me Cambridge is always Cambridge and you're going there to supposedly learn something about your course. They are all girl's colleges but the lectures are mixed and for subjects like the sciences, most of your time is spent at lectures/labs or so I've heard.

I am an Anthropologist, and I applied to Newnham because I wanted to live somewhere I felt really supported, with great accomodation and, although I am straight, didn't really want to live with men. I wanted somewhere like a safe haven, where I could go out and experience everything the uni has to offer, but come home to somewhere non-scary and supportive.

To anyone that receives a pool offer from Newnham, bloody hell accept it! It has been the best experience of my life so far, and I want to stay there!
Reply 5
Has anyone got their newnham letter yet?
Reply 6
I cant fancy an all girls college personally as i seem to get on far better with men (im too laid back to be bitchy), but if i was pooled to one and offered a place, i'd take it. Just because something looks bad now, doesnt mean that it will be. It would probably be the best time of your life.
Pick Newnham!! After visiting it, it looked really really nice and generally its a very pretty college. But then again i havent seen Newhall so i dont really know which is the best. Just looking at it though and speaking to some sheepdogs i saw there (during interview), everything seemed really nice - god i normally hate the word nice but ive used it 3 times in this post!! hehe
Reply 8
Reply 9
Lol very Newnham orientated. I applied open and got pooled to New Hall. When I went for my interview it def seemed like a normal cambridge college with very friendly people and pretty too. OK so not quite as pretty as kings but it's architecture wasn't bad compared to some others like Fitz ( I have absolutely nothing against Fitz as I did go visit it at open day and think it's lovely inside).
Reply 10
newnham. seem to be far more sociable, GORGEOUS gardens (which you can walk on) amazing boat club, apparantly great garden party in may week. oh, and germaine greer used to live/supervise there. fabulous.

also slightly more in the midst of civilisation. although it's about the same distance from the town centre as new hall, it's right next door to most of the arts faculties (sidgewick site) so there are generally more people around. and you have no hill to contend with :smile:

having said that i know a couple of people at new hall, they love it to bits, and aesthetically, it isn't a bad college ( you have to see churchill :p: ) although one of the corridors in fountain court scares me...
Newhall- is that the one in the town, coz the other one is really far away- it would take ages to walk or ride a bike to get to lessons!
OK, New Hall:

-Up The Hill. OK in the mornings, but coming home of an evening? Urgh.
-Fairly nice architecture- if you're into that sort of thing... bit concrety, but nice concrety- not brutalist, more, well... something else! (Help, architecture students!)
-Some nice people.
-Easy trip to Sainsbury's- just down the hill and along!
BUT -Far away (in Cambridge terms...) from Sidgewick site and New Museams and so on... but closer to West Cambridge site.

Newnham: Next door to Sidgewick site- get up at 8:55 for 9:00 lectures! Not to be sniffed at...
-Has occasional standup nights.
-Closer to town.
-From what I've heard, there seems to be more... erm... inter-sex mingling at Newnham! Blokes can't be botheredto trek out to New Hall... this can be a good or bad thing, depending on POV!
Well, I was pooled to New Hall and although I had my 'doubts' before I started there, I love it now. It's so friendly and relaxed, the pastoral care is excellent from experience, it has some lovely gardens, the Dome and Fountain Court are beautiful and I like its modernity. The second and third year accommodation is fantastic (although the grey bricks in Old Block are starting to grow on me! :eek: :wink:). The all-girl thing I just haven't found to be a real issue, although you do perhaps have to make slightly more of an effort socially. My only real gripes would be the distance from the town centre relative to other colleges and that it's up the darn hill (I think I've nearly had a heartattack on my bike numerous times), but I shouldn't really complain! So yeah, IMHO New Hall's great. :smile: If you get an offer, take it!
I think it's an almost complete misconception that women's colleges have a bitchy atmosphere. This definitely isn't the case at Newnham among my friends and the other people I know. I think it's a shame that people might base their decision to accept an offer at a women's colleges on such stereotypes. Admittedly, that's not to say that some women aren't bitchy, but I've found that bitchiness was far more common at school/Sixth form than at Newnham. Sorry for using the word 'bitchy' so many times. Feel free to replace it with 'unpleasant' etc if you're easily offended.
bit concrety, but nice concrety- not brutalist, more, well... something else! (Help, architecture students!)

Erm, well I'm not an architecture, but I'm pretty sure that the term brutalist comes from the french beton brut (forgive the lack of an acute accent on that e), meaning 'raw concrete'.

As for which college, newnham is better (because harriet, selena, and ema are there of course).

Has anyone got their newnham letter yet?
Not that I know of, I think they were probably posted yesterday. First class I hope, because I'd really rather get it at least half an hour before my first day back :smile:

All the colleges seemed to have great points, but obviously I'd have to pick Newnham :p:
As for which college, newnham is better (because harriet, selena, and ema are there of course).


:dancing: Yay! Go us, go us...
Reply 18
Newnham obvioulsy... you don't even need to catch a cab to Sidgewick!
I applied to Newnham; it's beautiful, laid-back, friendly, seems to have a good sense of community and humour.
I think the pictures speak for themselves
Sorry they're a bit huge!