I know how u feel!! I was like this with my ex, but i already knew he'd be too stubborn to admit any mistakes anyway. Dont get caught up with him from now on. Im sayin it from experience, im currently caught up with my ex and wish i'd just walked away when i could rather than having what we have now... sometimes meaningless sex, sometimes a friendship, sometimes nothing. Some things are better left as memories. Sometimes i think he'll never find anyone like me ever again, but u gotta let them think they will, and then one day they will realise it for themselves. He sounds very similar to my ex. Please please dont get caught up with him. Try to just work on moving on from him, and i know its very hard. You know that all that time you spent alone did mean something and noone can take that away from you. Be content with those memories. And try to move on for your own feelings sake. If u push too hard for a friendship you'll never get over him. Get out there and flirt girl! lol, just think ur lucky u never ended up with him for the rest of ur life. Make a list of all his bad points and reasons why u shouldnt be together, And then get out there and let someone who is worth it fall for you. Hope it goes well !!!!