The Student Room Group
He said all that stuff so you would stop having a relationship with him.. No point in carrying on.
To him maybe it's not a mistake.. If he truly thinks it was a mistake he will apologise sooner or later. The fact is you TXT'ed him again and he TXT'ed you back with a yet more hostile reply than he sent you the first time. So.. He doesnt want to be with you. Personally. I think he's no a person worth fighting for.. One day he'll be your friend the next day he'll call you a loser? What kind of a guy is this..
But hes made sucha big mistake.. surely he'll come to realise that soon?
I'm sorry girl but guys hardly ever realise and if they do they useually have way too much pride to go back on it. I've learnt the hard way what they are like. Sounds like you're in the same boat I was in. You just have to learn to let go I'm afraid.
I know it's hard but there are people in this world who actually care for you when they get to know you - This guy isnt one of those people. Look at how harshly he spoke to you. I wouldnt do that in 5 Million years to a person I hardly knew, let alone my gf.
Just end it quicker.. Forget about him right now. Delete all the messages he's sent you and his phone number off your phone.
It might take about a week or more, depending on your will power. Just dont self-pity every second and think whether he'll find someone like you again or not. Just dont think about anything that relates to him.
yeah i already did that.. and his pictures.. I'm still so shocked though. He really won't find anyone like me again.. Am I gonna stop thinking about him eventually? how long does it take?

My ex dumped me on the 1st of May and I still cry over it and think about him. What doesn't help is that we go to the same college and I see him and his new girlfriend around. Oh and I'm good friends with his sister which don't really help either. It really depends though. If you're not seeing him basically everyday it will probably be easier.
The more you see or think of him the harder it gets.
Reply 9
I know how u feel!! I was like this with my ex, but i already knew he'd be too stubborn to admit any mistakes anyway. Dont get caught up with him from now on. Im sayin it from experience, im currently caught up with my ex and wish i'd just walked away when i could rather than having what we have now... sometimes meaningless sex, sometimes a friendship, sometimes nothing. Some things are better left as memories. Sometimes i think he'll never find anyone like me ever again, but u gotta let them think they will, and then one day they will realise it for themselves. He sounds very similar to my ex. Please please dont get caught up with him. Try to just work on moving on from him, and i know its very hard. You know that all that time you spent alone did mean something and noone can take that away from you. Be content with those memories. And try to move on for your own feelings sake. If u push too hard for a friendship you'll never get over him. Get out there and flirt girl! lol, just think ur lucky u never ended up with him for the rest of ur life. Make a list of all his bad points and reasons why u shouldnt be together, And then get out there and let someone who is worth it fall for you. Hope it goes well !!!!
Reply 10
Personally, i dont think you should give up on him completely. He maybe said what he said because he was hurt by ur action. Anyways, if you still love him I think you should contact him( after feb) and see where you stand.
good Luck.
Guys are such pricks... i must be hard seeing him with another girl... but form where I'm sitting this just means theres something greater coming ur way.. hes done the next guy a favour, because it means theres someone as kind as u r to be in a relationship with.

Yeah it's hard to see him with the girl. Thing is if he hadn't of gone out with her I probably would've ended up as a friend of her's cause she is a cool person. Only now she thinks I'm completely crazy because everytime I see him I have to hold back tears so I end up with glossy eyes and look stoned. Thank you for your comment about the next guy but I'm not ready for that yet (I've already turned down a few guys and one of them said when I'm ready he'll still be there but I just don't know). The thing is the same can be said for you. From what I've read you are a kind woman and any man should be proud to have you by their side. Don't give up but if you need to give yourself some time out like I have to get things into prespective.
Reply 12
To him maybe it's not a mistake.. If he truly thinks it was a mistake he will apologise sooner or later. The fact is you TXT'ed him again and he TXT'ed you back with a yet more hostile reply than he sent you the first time. So.. He doesnt want to be with you. Personally. I think he's no a person worth fighting for.. One day he'll be your friend the next day he'll call you a loser? What kind of a guy is this..

You're worth more. Find a guy who'll treat you right!