The Student Room Group

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Yes - Try to talk to more people and be more outgoing. Find some good proper Friends.
Reply 2
Yes, we all feel lonely sometimes.
Reply 3
I'm so lonley its slowly killing me.
Everyone gets lonely...

That's what forums like TSR are for! :biggrin:

(I like this forum as there are often people on at wierd 4am!)
Reply 5
Yeah, I feel lonely and isolated all the time. I think more people do than they like to talk about.
Reply 6
sometimes but i generally prefer my own company so it doesnt afflict me that much
Reply 7
I'm the same. I don't mind being on my own.
Reply 8
*Rasies hand*

Nobody has time to see me, damn them for all haveing relationships!
Reply 9
*Rasies hand*

Nobody has time to see me, damn them for all haveing relationships!

Thats where a lot of this has stemed from.
Even though i was never anyones best friend, i was their half friend. now they have nothing. its so anoying.
Reply 10
Does anyone feel lonely?

I'm not depressed, but feel so lonely a lot of the time. Just wondering if other people feel like this.

sometimes, yea lonliness does kick in, even when im seeing someone.
Reply 11
sometimes but i generally prefer my own company so it doesnt afflict me that much

Likewise. Except where others solicit my company, I'm quite content to subsist on vanity alone.
Reply 12
yeah same here. i have a load of friends and have a good social life, though sometimes its nice to be on our own to have a bit of time sometimes...
I dont :biggrin:
Reply 14
Does anyone feel lonely?

I'm not depressed, but feel so lonely a lot of the time. Just wondering if other people feel like this.
only during holidays...
usually because i need something to occupy myself with...

during termtime i don't feel lonely at all...
Reply 15
Yep, feel lonely sometimes, not cause I dont have friends but because I dont have any friends that I really "connect" with if you know what I mean.
Don't worry guys, I am really lonely at the moment. Living away from uni and travelling in, seem to spend ages at my desk at home :frown:
Don't worry guys, I am really lonely at the moment. Living away from uni and travelling in, seem to spend ages at my desk at home :frown:

Is your sig one of those optical illusions? "The TSR?" "The The Student Room"? :wink:
Does anyone feel lonely?

I'm not depressed, but feel so lonely a lot of the time. Just wondering if other people feel like this.

Used to suffer from it reeeeeaaall bad not too long ago mainly due to my forced social situation and it led me to attempt escape in various ways...long story. Anyways, with the assumption you don't suffer loneliness by force I recommend socialising more and generally getting involved in various stuff. The world is indeed is a goldmine of activity- seek and you shall find. You'll soon forget ever feeling lonely.
Reply 19
Does anyone feel lonely?

I'm not depressed, but feel so lonely a lot of the time. Just wondering if other people feel like this.

Everyone does