The Student Room Group

Cold, flu or worse?

Unfortunately I've got to spend my New Year's indoors with illness. Earlier today I broke out in a large rash on my chest and didn't feel particularly good, but still made it to go to football. Tonight I'm exhausted, can hardly move. I've referred to the NHS Direct web site and it says I should call 999 for my symptoms immediately. Aside from aches and generally feeling unwell, I also have a headache, neckache, and bright lights hurt my eyes and make my headache worse. When I said 'yes' to having these symptoms on the NHS questionnaire, it said i should phone 999. This sounds a bit extreme to me! I don't feel that bad but it has certainly left me uncertain as to what I should do incase there is a more serious reason for these symptoms. I don't particularly want to spend the night down in A& any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Reply 1
1 word: meningitis

Go to the hospital and get it checked. youll be first priority to the drunks, dont worry.
Reply 2
Thanks for the reply. In the end I spent 2 nights in hospital and had meningitis ruled out, but I'm still really glad I went. Had a lumbar puncture which was erm...painful lol. Feeling a bit better now and trying my best to make it back to school tomorrow :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Reply 3
School? Pshhh. Who WANTS to get back to school?
Id kick back for a while.