The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Most guys would think of it as jail bait :rolleyes:
Reply 2
Most guys would think of it as jail bait :rolleyes:

so if you knew she was an adult it would put you off?
Reply 3
I sure hope not! :redface:
Reply 4
nope...better to look younger than older in this instance.
Reply 5
nope...better to look younger than older in this instance.

why so? just askin
Reply 6
why so? just askin

why not...great if a girl looks youthful!
Reply 7
why not...great if a girl looks youthful!

I suppose it is but tbh Id be worried about others thinking it looked odd thats just me though im self concsious (sp) :redface:
Reply 8
I suppose it is but tbh Id be worried about others thinking it looked odd thats just me though im self concsious (sp) :redface:

whats odd about looking young?
Reply 9
whats odd about looking young?

well if I looked 20 and she was small and looked 13 ..I dunno maybe its just me.
Reply 10
well if I looked 20 and she was small and looked 13 ..I dunno maybe its just me.

meh who cares. its like saying a girl whos like 5'0 is a kid because they are well below average height. means nothing.
Reply 11
Im just wondering since most of my mates said no but a few of them reckon they would be put off. I mean if she was 25 and looked about 14 or 15 a young teenager we know a few girls like this but why does it put some dudes off?

It shouldnt be a problem. As long as you know that she is older!
Reply 12
I would be worried about getting beaten up...

on the other hand girls like you describe can aim at a special gary glitter market so shouldnt have a problem.
Reply 13
I hope not!!
Im just wondering since most of my mates said no but a few of them reckon they would be put off. I mean if she was 25 and looked about 14 or 15 a young teenager we know a few girls like this but why does it put some dudes off?

Not if she was nice and I knew her age it depends.
Reply 15
Not really.
Reply 16
For me it depends, if they looked very young people might get the wrong idea.
Reply 17
For me it depends, if they looked very young people might get the wrong idea.

Oh come ON!! If everything's above board - what the hell does it MATTER what other people think? Are there views that important that you'd jeopardise a potential relationship?
Reply 18
I'm 21 and a lot of people think I'm about 16. I personally don't think I look that young - maybe 18 or 19, but I ALWAYS get asked for ID, but I don't think a partner would judge you on that at all. If they would then they aren't worth it in the first place.