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Reply 1
Sounds like this should be in D&D, not H&R.... :p:
Reply 2
We were just educated about sti's nothing else. My parents told me nothing.
Reply 3
Mum told me when I first got my period (at the age of 10 :rolleyes: ) and there was a slideshow in year 6.
Reply 4
I was shown what a bj was with a demonstration with a Wotsit when I was 8.

At school they just told us not to get pregnant, and how not to get pregnant, but this wasn't until year 10.

At primary school they showed the girls how to use a tampon and the boys how to use a condom...

That was it.
Reply 5
i just gradually found out :P

learning about that time o the month was far more shocking than the sex thing anyway (it was at the time, i was young ! lol)
Reply 6
The basics, school, the rest... er, internet
Reply 7
I have no idea how I learnt about sex now I think about it..I should really check with someone...
Reply 8
My mum told me the basics when I was about 6, I filled in the rest with magazines and porn, and then my school told me the basics again when I was 14 (read: way too late for quite a few girls in my year) :rolleyes:
Reply 9
What's sex? Birds? Bees?
School was fairly useless...They didn't even teach us about periods until we were 14, by which time loads of us had already started!

Sex education in schools is an absolute disgrace. It's totally inadequate as is frequently demonstrated on here by people asking if they can get pregnant while they're on their period etc...They don't tell you nearly enough about contraception and the different methods you can use, they don't tell you enough about STI's and how they're spread. They seem to assume as well that you won't get pregnant, or you won't catch anything, so they don't really offer any advice on what to do if it does happen.

I could rant on for ages...
It's pants. I learnt most of it myself through friends, experience, mags etc.

School was useless. Had the period talk in year 6 and then sex ed in biology in yr10 (Bit late then!)
Reply 12
Hm? I wonder what happened to your sex ed stuff? I saw a video on the squelchy in year 5 - a cartoon couple getting it on with a very shocked looking cat just outside. The period video was also about then.
Of course, I already knew because other kids told me about it when I was in year 3...
Reply 13
I missed out on the fun - nothing at primary school and my secondary school assumed we'd done it. Although we did get 'revision' in year 11 (bit late for that...) and the period talk right at the end of year nine (again, bit late). I think I learnt most of it from kids who were in higher years than me when I was about 8...
schools dont really teach it you properly.... there really should be better sex eductaion in schools...

Ive never really spoken to my parents about it... except for when my mom sugested i went on the pill, when i was in quite a long term relationship when i was 16... she just assumed i was having sex.. we never had "the talk" so to speek..

The most ive learnt is from magazines... they introduce it into all the girly magazines quite early on now... plus i was reading cosmopoliton from about year 8! brilliant education there! I think girls prob have more eductation about it cuz they tend to read girls magazines... i know a lot of boys read girls magazines too.. but thats only easy if youve got a sister or something.
Reply 15
apparently, one teacher at my old school used to show people how to use condoms by putting one on a banana...
and in primary school, the boys were put in one room and the girls in another and we were taught about period stuff... i don't know what the boys were taught :P
the most i ever learnt about sex was during the sex module in science, but that was more how the repoductive parts work, and not to educate us not to have teh sexor before marriage... so yeah.. they really should either step it upa notch, or get rid of it.. or not.. i don't know :s-smilie:
Our school provide sex education when we are 16. 16?!?!? Do they honestly think we don't know what a condom is, or how to have sex by the time you are 16?
MAD I tell you.

Oh and we got to watch this video of teen pregnancy, where this chav was all "never fink dem free'll neva 'appen to me" *180 girls start counting....wait a minute..that was 5!"
Our school provide sex education when we are 16. 16?!?!? Do they honestly think we don't know what a condom is, or how to have sex by the time you are 16?
MAD I tell you.

Oh and we got to watch this video of teen pregnancy, where this chav was all "never fink dem free'll neva 'appen to me" *180 girls start counting....wait a minute..that was 5!"
we had some of that but i wasn't even in the lessons (one year media course got e out of sex ed!)

I think I pretty much tought myself... Sex ed was crap!
I got some crap in year 6. Then in year 8 we had a talk(which i missed-playing footy). I only got the booklet which they gave out. In year 9 they showed us a video with these actors saying that it only last about 2 minutes. Crappy actors, just convinced you more that it was a good thing. In year 10 they gave us the scientific side. To be honest the average kid is quite clued up so the talks are quite useless unless your from some kind of family who think you can get pregnant from oral/anal. Hillarious really.
Reply 19
I just knew, dunno how probably from the Internet and TV. We didn't have much sex education at school, only one or two lessons on STI's