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Reply 1
keep the baby
havin one is like killin a developing human being
youll get money from the government anyway as well
Reply 2
Yes, I know someone who had an abortion. Are you sure you want to have one? Maybe you should discuss this first with someone else, like the father, before you take this step.
Reply 3
Could you explain the situation, so that we're in more of a position to suggest advice?
Reply 4
Also how old are you?
take advice, but don't forget it is ultimately your big decision.
If you are young and are not through your tertiary education (Uni) Then do it. No need to put unwanted pressure on yourself, this could potentially change your life in two extremes too. Keep that in mind.
Reply 7
i'm 19 years old, still at college. I'm workin part time and barely have enough money to look after myself. Both my mum and dad are unemployed so i would get no financial help there. I cannot face telling my parents as they would get really mad and be really disappointed in me. My partner is open to whichever decision i make, he said he will stand by me either way. But i really think abortion is the right thing for me. I don't feel to strongly for it myself, i agree its morally wrong. However I want to do have children when i'm ready, i want it to have a good life, i want to provide for it, give it the best. Right now that is not possible. I want to know if it hurts and can you choose whether you have a local or general anaesetic?
Then I would recommend it. You cant fund yourself, It will make your life very difficult.
Reply 9
please dont forget the option of adoption!!! [B] your baby would go to a really loving home and grow up happy and maybe even have a family of their own someday!!

9 months pregnancy is easier than having a child for the rest of your life!! and think of the couples out there that can't concieve and how happy they'd be!

however it is your decision and i do recommend you talk to the ones who love you, your family
Reply 10
How many weeks gone are you?
Reply 11
I would recommend it too. There is alot of good info about the process on this site.
you should keep the baby, killing one is not good
Reply 13
think about the baby rather than yourself for once?
Reply 14
i have considered adoption but my partner is against it. He said that its unfair ( i know abortion is too but remember i'm only 6 or 7 weeks and it is unaware of its existance). when the kid grows up and finds out its adopted it may feel neglected, unwanted everything. How would you feel to find out that you are adopted?


for those of you against i'd rather not hear your views sorry but i'm trying not to think about it
Reply 15
i have considered adoption but my partner is against it. He said that its unfair ( i know abortion is too but remember i'm only 6 or 7 weeks and it is unaware of its existance). when the kid grows up and finds out its adopted it may feel neglected, unwanted everything. How would you feel to find out that you are adopted?


for those of you against i'd rather not hear your views sorry but i'm trying not to think about it

well i think it would be better to give the child the chance rather than kill it off because of stuff like "im not ready" "i dont have the money" "my parents would be disappointed in me". all you've talked about is yourself.
Reply 16
think about the baby rather than yourself for once?

Not being able to care for the child IS thinking about the baby. The choice is there. And if it's still early, then it's a foetus, not yet a baby.

Yes, there's also the option of adoption, but i think that would be harder in many many ways - it's against all natural instincts to give your child away, and even if it feels the best thing when you're pregnant you might change your mind when the baby is born, and then you can't go back. Also there are then repurcussions of the child trying to find you...or not trying to find you, in 18 years or so.

Talk to your doctor with your partner, to sort out all the options. They will be able to give you the details about the abortion better than anyone here can.
Best advice go and see your GP. He/she will talk you through all of the options you have and what procedures would take place. Above all don't delay as if you have made your mind up about having an abortion later pregnancys carry further complications.

Go with what you feel is best for you and talk to your parents, you will need their support before, during and after.
Reply 18
I don't feel to strongly for it myself, i agree its morally wrong. I want to know if it hurts

if u think this then having an abortion isnt necessarily the easy way out, ive known someone that it has hit pretty hard after and have become seriously depressed, it can hurt emotionally

even though your family might be disappointed they will still love you and stand by you, if you did go for an adoption they would probably even respect you for it, and dealling with the consequences for your actions.

as well as looking at things that promote abortion look at what its going to do to your child and the health risks to you
Reply 19
Not being able to care for the child IS thinking about the baby. The choice is there. And if it's still early, then it's a foetus, not yet a baby.

Yes, there's also the option of adoption, but i think that would be harder in many many ways - it's against all natural instincts to give your child away, and even if it feels the best thing when you're pregnant you might change your mind when the baby is born, and then you can't go back. Also there are then repurcussions of the child trying to find you...or not trying to find you, in 18 years or so.

Talk to your doctor with your partner, to sort out all the options. They will be able to give you the details about the abortion better than anyone here can.

thankyou, at least you kinda understand my feelings about this. Alot of other people immedietly jump up and say "its murder" "unfair" "i'm thinking about myself". well perhaps I am thinking about myself but i'm doing what is right for me. As you said it is not even a baby yet. I feel bad saying that but if I get too emotional it will be much harder