The Student Room Group

How do you know if you've been pooled?

I've just had the realisation - whilst awaiting my letter - that i have no idea how you learn if you've been pooled!!! Is it in your rejection letter/a separate letter? How??

And does the pooling note say "this college sucessfully pooled you"

"We have pooled you and wish you every success" type thing?

Best of luck to those awaiting...and well done to those with offers!

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Reply 1
-x- Lici
I've just had the realisation - whilst awaiting my letter - that i have no idea how you learn if you've been pooled!!! Is it in your rejection letter/a separate letter? How??

And does the pooling note say "this college sucessfully pooled you"

"We have pooled you and wish you every success" type thing?

Best of luck to those awaiting...and well done to those with offers!
SPS at Kings? You braver than me...

If you're pooled it says so in the letter.
I think you initially get a single letter from the college you applied to with one of the following on:

1. You're in
2. You're out
3. You've been pooled

Then you might hear either by phone or by letter (I'm not sure exactly how) from other colleges making you an offer or inviting you for interview. Then those colleges notify you themselves of their decision.

Finally, if you've been pooled and don't get a place, you'll get a letter from your original preference college telling you so.
Reply 3
it will say something like "we regret to inform you that we can't offer you a place at this college, but we thought you were a good candidate and have put you in the winter pool. you may be called for a re-interview at another college, or be given a straight offer/rejection" obviously phrased more eloquently
Reply 4
You will get a letter from them stating either
1)you are in, the conditions are AAA
2)or sorry we don't want you, all the best
3)the college has decided taht although we do not have space for you we have decided your application was of sufficient calibre that other colleges may be interested in your application. This does not constitute an offer but merely the potential chance of an offer from another college. You may be required to return for another interview. You will be contacted regarding any decisions made either by phone or letter and in any event you will know by the end of january whether you have been successful in your application
Reply 5
-x- Lici
I've just had the realisation - whilst awaiting my letter - that i have no idea how you learn if you've been pooled!!! Is it in your rejection letter/a separate letter? How??

And does the pooling note say "this college sucessfully pooled you"

"We have pooled you and wish you every success" type thing?

Best of luck to those awaiting...and well done to those with offers!

You will get one letter from cam at this point telling you either yes, no, or pool. If you are pooled, you will probably hear from the college you have been pooled to pretty soon after. They might phone too, so keep your mobile with you.
Reply 6
Ok...thanks so much people...really useful...

What did you mean - brave for applying for SPS at king' you've got me terrified - already was pretty scared :s-smilie:
Reply 7
-x- Lici
Ok...thanks so much people...really useful...

What did you mean - brave for applying for SPS at king' you've got me terrified - already was pretty scared :s-smilie:

Don't worry, if they want you and king's don't have enough room they will put you in the pool - they make good use of the pool so no need to be concerned.
Reply 8
Lol....thanks...well i'll keep my fingers crossed - had my toes crossed for days..time for a change :s-smilie:

Thanks again...good luck in 2006 everyone
Reply 9
-x- Lici
Ok...thanks so much people...really useful...

What did you mean - brave for applying for SPS at king' you've got me terrified - already was pretty scared :s-smilie:

He meant you are brave because SPS at king's last year got something like 62 applicants for 10 places- which is very competitive
i also applied to King's SPS- and i cant say i was brave-- i was more like stupid- i have to say his comment has made me panic even more! :frown:
He meant you are brave because SPS at king's last year got something like 62 applicants for 10 places- which is very competitive
i also applied to King's SPS- and i cant say i was brave-- i was more like stupid- i have to say his comment has made me panic even more! :frown:

See my post above, don't worry! You have as good a chance as anyone to get a place at cam somewhere - King's may have a lot of applicants but they also pool lots of people.

H xx
Reply 11
Well good luck noooni! Best best best of luck!
Reply 12
Nooni, I am sure your interview went better than you think..... well put it this way it went better than mine!!!
Thank you! Good luck to you too !:smile:
I have spent every day since the 5th of december 'preparing' myself to accept a rejection-- i guess i will see how it goes on tuesday- to be honest i just want to get the whole thing over and done with!


Nooni, I am sure your interview went better than you think..... well put it this way it went better than mine!!!

hehehe you posted that just before i posted that i was waiting for a rejection! wow i must have been moaning so much about it for the last couple of weeks everyones noticed!
thank you btw! :biggrin:
The reason i have given up hope is that my grades are not typical Cambridge grades and the only hope i had was nailing the interview- which i didnt do -- so when there is that criterea that they look at - PS,GCSE's, AS grades, Prediced grades- referance- interview-- I think the only thing i will have ticked off is my GCSE's , PS, and reference ... i have been thinking about this too much :redface:

Why do you feel your interview went bad?
Reply 14
Surely it will arrive tomorrow morning??
Reply 15
"It may be that your College, although impressed by your application, doesn’t have a place for you, or may wish to look at applicants to other Colleges before confirming its last offers. In such cases your application is ‘pooled’. The winter pool, held in January, is designed to ensure that the best applicants are offered places whichever College they applied to. All Colleges can come to consider pooled applicants. Directors of Studies in each subject have met during the interview period to discuss the overall standard of applications, so that they can see by January how their own College's applicants compare.

If your application is pooled, you may be asked to attend a further interview at another College or you may be offered a place without a further interview. If you are asked to come to another interview it will be held in early January. There is some flexibility over the timing of these interviews to allow for AS/A level module assessments also held at this time. Around one in six applicants are pooled, and of these, around one in five receives an offer of a place. If your application is pooled, but no College is able to offer you a place, you will hear from the College you applied to, normally by the end of January.

For more information read our Undergraduate Guide to the Winter Pool."
Tomorow is bank holiday :biggrin:
-- i know -- calm down- take a deep breath
Reply 17
Cheerz Voxtrot


Is it....i didn't realise - i need to go shopping - hope something is open!!!

Plus i wanted me letter - think if i searched and found sorting office i could persuade someone to come out and open it for me : S thinks im a bit too desperate for my post!
Reply 18
Question... why would they swap someone who applied to corpus to jesus and vice versa if there is evidently room at both colleges and you are obviously both good enough?
Question... why would they swap someone who applied to corpus to jesus and vice versa if there is evidently room at both colleges and you are obviously both good enough?

Who is this question to?
Maybe each college was looking for a certain characteristic ....?