I gave blood for the first time about a month ago and i was quite scared lol. But its absolutely fine. I went with a couple of friends which was good and was on the bed right next to one of them. She kept telling me look away while they put the needle in but, being the inquisative (sp?) type, i opted to look at what was happening, preferring to know exactly what the nurse was doing! Make sure you drink lots before you go as this aparently makes your veins stand out much more, making it easier for the nurse to find somewhere to put the needle in and easier for you as it does not hurt quite so much - even so, its still only like a tiny scratch. It generally takes about 10 - 15 minutes, but it does depend on how long you take to 'bleed a pint'. Also keep squeezing your hand to make the blood flow faster, which should speed up the whole process a little and stop your arm going dead. Although your arm will ache a little after and you may feel lightheaded if you start moving around and doing too much soon after you will feel really good with what you've just done - i honestly felt like id helped someone. Good luck with it and let us know how you get on!!