I read the article in Student BMJ december issue and it was on the bbc health website. Its nothing new but fromt he article in the student BMJ, its no as straight forward as the research point out, well that was the impression i got from the article, i am only a prospective medic so no expert. There were other factors in the study as it was conducted in 1985-1989, the intial data then after 15 years chased up all the women in the study but due to funding shortages they could only same 1500 women from the orginal study. But the poitn was there is an increased chance of breat cancer in PRE-menopausal women. After the menopause, the risk of cancer greatly increases. Additionally, the chemical in question is synthetic female sex hormone which causes developmental changes in the brain which may result in the spheres of the brain changing, left handedness. The study is also important for he orgins of handedness and development early on in the fetus.