The Student Room Group

Feelings for Best Friend

I posted a while back, but having discoverd my best mate is on here, I'd best do this anonymously.

I met my best mate a few months back when I started uni, and I adore him! He's easy to talk to, we flirt like crazy and we're really open with each other. Whenever we're out he usually ends up trying to kiss me, but I tend to stop him, because I know he wont remember the next morning.

About a month before xmas I realised I really really liked him - got the full works: butterflies, blushing, not being able to make sense... I haven't got a clue what to do about it anymore. We go back to uni next week and while I can't wait to see him cause I've missed him like crazy, I'm dreading it too, cause I know he's probably got with someone at home, and will want to tell me all about it, as I'm his 'confidant'.

Any idea what I should do? I don't want to stop being mates because he rocks.
Reply 1
It depends on what you would do if the outcome wasnt what you wanted to hear. Would you risk your friendship for something more or do you think that he would say he just wants to be friends? I have been in the same situation, I told my friend and he didnt reciprocate but we are better friends now than ever. If you tell him, hopefully it would turn out well but there is a chance of it not. You have to decide if its worth the risk. Sorry if thats not much help but thats all I got
Reply 2

If you think he really likes you (the signs are there), I'd just go for it. Life's too short to wonder "what if?". If you don't tell him, he will one day find somebody else and you'd wish you'd give it a shot.
why did u drag that up (6 days ago!) and how did u find it?