I posted a while back, but having discoverd my best mate is on here, I'd best do this anonymously.
I met my best mate a few months back when I started uni, and I adore him! He's easy to talk to, we flirt like crazy and we're really open with each other. Whenever we're out he usually ends up trying to kiss me, but I tend to stop him, because I know he wont remember the next morning.
About a month before xmas I realised I really really liked him - got the full works: butterflies, blushing, not being able to make sense... I haven't got a clue what to do about it anymore. We go back to uni next week and while I can't wait to see him cause I've missed him like crazy, I'm dreading it too, cause I know he's probably got with someone at home, and will want to tell me all about it, as I'm his 'confidant'.
Any idea what I should do? I don't want to stop being mates because he rocks.