The Student Room Group


what happens if you drink alcohol when you're on it?
Reply 1
You die... ever heard of google?


It is a prescription drug, learn to read the leaflet provided instead of mucking around on the net.
Reply 2
im takin that crap as well.....would be gd to know what happens when drinking alcohol
Reply 3
Don't worry, I was on it for a few months and drunk alcohol quite alot. It got something to do with you liver but as long as you don't drink loads every weekend, I think you should be fine :smile:
what happens if you drink alcohol when you're on it?

It's not recommended. Accutane can have a similar effect to vitamin A - too much of it is toxic to your liver. Mixing that with another drug that damages your liver aswell...Not a clever thing to do at all.
Reply 6
Can cause birth defects and mental health problems?! :eek:
Reply 7
Nothing will happen, don't worry about it.
It's not recommended. Accutane can have a similar effect to vitamin A - too much of it is toxic to your liver. Mixing that with another drug that damages your liver aswell...Not a clever thing to do at all.

Don't worry, I was on it for a few months and drunk alcohol quite alot.

you're crazy, lol:p:
Reply 9
ive been takin 50mg a day of this stuff for 6 weeks and i havent died yet lol and im still sane. Although just about
Reply 10
Have some people really gone crazy on it, voices in head kinda thing? cant wait!
You'll make your liver cry.

Wouldn't worry that much as long as you aren't binge drinking every night...