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Reply 1
Bit late for contraceptives now...they just pump you full of Oestrogen and Progesterone so that the egg isnt ripened and you cant get pregant.
Reply 2
what can i do then? paracetomols
You can wait a month.

*Anti-Abortion supporter*... but good luck anyway.
why would you want to cause a miscarriage? keep it :smile:
Reply 5
no i'm too young and not ready, i can't support this baby. I cannot wait a month, its driving me mad
Okay, I can see you're probably upset or worried about this so the best thing to do is not to do anything you don't know about or may regret expecially when medication is concerned. An overdose will probably destroy your liver and end you up in hospital with very serious consequences.
If you have only just conceived then a month is nothing at all as far as development is concerned. Have you talked to people about your options? Brook Advisory Helpline are very very useful for this kind of thing
Call on 0800 0185 023 or go on

PM me if you need anymore advice.
Reply 7
Why is the waiting list so long?!
An overdose could kill you as well. don't go near the paracetamol. please

not to mention the legal implications if you try to induce your own misscarraige on purpose.

please hun, just wait. dont do anything stupid, and if you think you will please call someone you trust. or teh samaritains etc
go private?
Reply 10
Im sure taking an overdose would cause more damage to you, than your baby. And its pretty silly. Why is the wait so long, can you not get a nearer date? Maybe you should talk your worries over with your doctor. :smile:
Im sure taking an overdose would cause more damage to you, than your baby. And its pretty silly. Why is the wait so long, can you not get a nearer date? Maybe you should talk your worries over with your doctor. :smile:

if thye know that waiting could potentially do more dmage to you, they may be able to arrange a nearer date.
if one place is saying yo'll have to wait a month i suggest getting a second opinion!
Reply 13
if thye know that waiting could potentially do more dmage to you, they may be able to arrange a nearer date.


I think you're prob trying to recover from the shock of finding out you're pregnant, arranging a termination and then realising its not as simple as perhaps you had thought. Really, talk to a doctor, theyre there to help, and deal with these issies all the time. :smile:
Reply 14
yes i thought it would be easy but its not i was trying to put a brave face on but as the days pass it gets worse, its all i think about. I'm getting it done on the NHS thats why the waiting list is so long. I haven't got the money to get it done private otherwise I would. I have to have a scan on the 13th jan I'm probably dreading that more than anything, I really would like to talk to people who have been through it before
Reply 15
Is there no way you can get financial help from your family, or father of the baby? So that you could go privately? If you could talk your feelings over with family or friends, im sure itl be a bit easier to deal with. Just dont worry too much, and dont do anything drastic that could harm you as well!:smile:
Reply 16
Is there no way you can get financial help from your family, or father of the baby? So that you could go privately? If you could talk your feelings over with family or friends, im sure itl be a bit easier to deal with. Just dont worry too much, and dont do anything drastic that could harm you as well!:smile:

No both my parents are unemployed, my boyfriend doesn't have the money. I've talked it through with my friends but there just like "oh you should keep it". I've been itching to talk to my mum but then i don't want her to tell my dad and i know she will
Reply 17
I've talked it through with my friends but there just like "oh you should keep it".

How disgustingly unsupportive of them. That's the last thing you need to hear. Don't worry, at least you have some sense in you.

Don't worry about it, as long as you've got the plan all sorted and you're definitely getting it in a month, the only thing you can do is sit tight. Trying to induce a miscarriage could damage your health.
Reply 18
How disgustingly unsupportive of them. That's the last thing you need to hear. Don't worry, at least you have some sense in you.

Don't worry about it, as long as you've got the plan all sorted and you're definitely getting it in a month, the only thing you can do is sit tight. Trying to induce a miscarriage could damage your health.

Thanks. Yeah I know overdose is probably worse better to get it done professionally. I'll just have to wait, my own fault for getting pregnant in the first place i guess. I just want to know if i can be put to sleep during the operation, i can't bear to be awake and see it taking place i would never be able to forget
hun... big hugs. :hugs:

you must be feeling awful right now.. I don't have any personal experience, but a similar thing happened to one of my friends.. it seems a long time, but you can wait. It's really not advisable to go do one yourself, as you can totally **** yourself up. Go talk to your boyfriend about how you're feeling... are any of your friends sympathetic towards your decision? if so, talk to them, too. maybe one-on-one, rather than as a big group. Make sure you have a routine, and something to do each day, so you're not dwelling on the situation. It sounds so stupid, but it works. Just take each day by itself - calmly and slowly. Try not to get angry or upset, because then you just end up doing something stupid and feeling like ****. Be calm, and collected, and just get through it, because that is all you can do.