The Student Room Group

Saying "no" to him

This guy who's a son of someone I work with has recently asked me out. The thing is I don't really like him in that way, I'll speak with him occasionally and say hi etc as he's a sweet guy, but I definately don't want to get involved. When he asked me though I happened to be working a shift with his mum (!) and it obviously meant a lot to him, he went bright red and spluttered it out, so I said ok when he asked me to go into town with him, as I felt sorry for him and didn't want to upset him. The "date" was very awkward as he went extremely shy and couldn't think of anything to say... and so I felt like I had to initiate every (tiring) conversation.
Have you ever been in a similar situation and managed to let someone down without making them feel awful or ruin a friend-based relationship?
Reply 1
First off you really shouldnt have said yes, you just made things worce.

Secondly all you can do is tell him how you feel, otherwise it will get even worce :rolleyes:

Dont worry, every girls done this one time or another.
Reply 2
worce? sorry ummm anyway maybe it's best just to say to him that you don't want to ruin a friendship by getting involved....and just go that route make him feel like you value him more than just someone to shag that general idea. used it before myself and thankfully it worked...mind you he had a smaller iq than my desk lamp.......
Have you ever been in a similar situation and managed to let someone down without making them feel awful or ruin a friend-based relationship?

Yeah I have been in the same situation! I once agreed to go shopping with a guy who I knew liked me, and he was so shy and quiet, it was awful - I had to make all the conversation and it was really awkward. :redface:

All my friends had warned me not to go, but I wanted to be nice, however I really regretted it and wished I'd listened to them! I ended up having to hurt his feeling a lot in order to get the message through that I just didn't feel the same. :frown:

Sometimes you just have to be blunt to avoid them getting even more hurt by letting things carry on....