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Reply 1
If your partner can say 'Yes, dear' then the relationship will last.
Reply 2
I think a relationship lasts when you don't take things for granted and treat your other half with the same amount of affection as you did when you first got together. In other words, don't let things go stale and always try and have a laugh and share new experiences together - don't get into a routine. Of course, what really makes a relationship last is an utter devotion and love for one another and sheer hard work.
Reply 3
love, trust and respect makes a relationship last
Reply 4
love, trust and respect makes a relationship last

trust and love
Reply 6
Love, arguments, make ups, break ups, hurt, tears, lust and mutual respect.

And don't see each other too much, you can have too much of a good thing. Stay friends, keep it light, don't over analyse everything and let things flow!
Reply 7

Reply 8
I'm sure it can't be that difficult to keep a partner? especially if you chose rightly in the first place. Lots of people's relationships fail early because they didn't consider enough before getting together, went for superficial things, and so on.
Reply 9
omg i dread the same thing everyday. I've been with my bf 3years and everything seems fine. I agree with everyone when they say don't see too much of each other and fall into routine. Try and keep it fresh and new. Go out have meals, cinema, bowling, holidays anything. Try and take an interest in what he's interested in e.g go and watch his fave footie team, watch his fave tv progs etc. Don't be too clingy either. Just let things flow and if you do grow apart then its probably for the best, you cannot force love
Reply 10
go with the flow just means uhm, take it as it comes.. don't plan ahead and just go with the days events.

to make a relationship last, you have to trust each other first off, and i'd agree with the people above about the 'not spending too much time together' thing... you can't be with them all the time and you both need your own space.
Let things flow?

By just doing what each other wants instead of what you want. Don't let little arguments become big ones. Trust me, I'm the most selfish person in the world, but with my BF I've had to refrain and just let things go along.

It's like when he wanted a break in the summer, things had become way, way too intense. Things weren't fun anymore, we'd been together for two years and I was getting too clingy and too dependent on him. He felt suffocated, it really did hurt at the time and I hated him for it.
We've recently got back together and it's much healthier, he realised he did still love me but just wasn't prepared to become so supressed by a relationship. I respect that, I feel the same way but I don't get so annoyed about niggly things that in essence don't matter. Our friendship is way stronger and so is our bond as a result :smile:
Reply 12
breaks are always hard to accept but they are always good and well needed
Reply 13
but see.. if i did that.. id be so scared when hes having his space that he'd change his mind about being in a relationship... that he'd see someone else he'd rather be with.

trust me your worrying to much. If he's going to change his mind about being with you/ in a relationship or see someone else he'd rather be with then he'll do that whether your on a break or not, its just the way it goes, it might never happen. Read my signature!

sorry it seems to have disappeared
Reply 14
Love, trust and commitment from both people makes a relationship work.
Reply 15
I've often wondered this... I know some of you have been in really long term relationships. I was wondering what you all think it takes to make a relationship last?
How does one avoid being paranoid?
How many of you think relationships are pre destined?

trust and being able to compromise, these things will come naturally if you both love each other equally
Reply 16
i think also communication is really bein able to talk 2 eachother wen uv got problems.
Reply 17
I've often wondered this... I know some of you have been in really long term relationships. I was wondering what you all think it takes to make a relationship last?
How does one avoid being paranoid?
How many of you think relationships are pre destined?

Your boyfriend not dumping you usually makes it last that bit longer
Pretty much what everyone else has said: trust, respect, communication, ability to compromise. I think it's important to not be moody with someone just because you're feeling down because that gets the other person down as well. Being immature and just messing around now and again helps. And just trying to get some quality time together whenever possible.
When the man in the relationship is either:

A violent arsehole

