The Student Room Group
Well...i bought it...the book does actualyy contain some quite useful advice and the CD is also good for the hell of it lol, I like listening it and it probably does work, it makes you feel better and gives you lots of encouragement. It's the kind of thing you'd borrow as opposed to save up to buy it lol! :wink:
Thanks - brother works at WHSmith and so can get a discount. I might buy it then
You could always just try exercising and eating sensibly (good advice for free)

Reply 4
Has anyone tried the Paul McKenna book "I can make you thin". Do you think it actually works?

The books do work yes, i not tried them personally but i know from other people that alot of Paul Mckennas work, does work very well
Reply 5
I saw an ad earlier and I think he's basically doing a tv version of the book, starts Monday 9pm Sky One. Might worth tuning in before buying the book.
Reply 6
I saw an ad earlier and I think he's basically doing a tv version of the book, starts Monday 9pm Sky One. Might worth tuning in before buying the book.

I said pretty much the same thing when i sent her a PM :p:
Reply 7
Anyone tried the one about changing your life in 7 days?
I'm intrigued...:wink: