as the title suggests, my younger brother's just started to smoke. he is 16 so there's nothing illegal about it. furthermore, i know that it's not that bad because there are so many other things which people at his age do that are worse.
that said, i have a feeling that he only started in the last few weeks because his girlfriend, or some other comrade in this new circle of friends, smokes as well. so that element of peer pressure is quite disturbing because there's no reason why it couldn't extend to other things one day. another issue is that it's not just social smoking as he's also doing it in the house, well, out the window/in the garden, and the parents don't know.
i know that people are free to do what they want and that i shouldn't interfere, but people can go on smoking for years, even their entire life. as it probably gets harder and harder to stop with time, i suppose that now would be the best time for him to stop.
i suppose i am worrying and making a fuss a bit too much in some people's opinions, but as his older brother (probably slightly biased as i myself have never been inclined to smoke), i do feel a) protective of his innocence and b) probably one of the most influential people in his eyes.
so, are there any ways to handle the situation tactfully?