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Exeter's reputation

This may sound like a stupid question but going upon advice from my mum who went to university a number of years ago she rates Exeter as a very good university. Would anybody be able to tell me exactly how highly a degree from Exeter is respected? Thanks in advance for your comments. By the way I have a conditional place for politics and philosophy at Exeter

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Reply 1
League tables wise it's not THAT high. From an employer's point of view, I don't know, but certainly from the grade requests (AAA for History) they seem to think they're very good. I personally found the course uninspiring and the area unattractive, and combined with their low ranking in league tables and AAB offers from better ranked Unis, I thought they were asking too much.
I think they are fairly good - around the same level as Southampton?
Reply 3
I think they are fairly good - around the same level as Southampton?

Agreed, not quite at the top table but probably leading the rest somewhere between 15th-25th best in the country? Of course this is dependent on which course etc but overall thats how I think employers would rate it.
Reply 4
I see Exeter as very good for arts degrees, but not so good for sciences. Again my parents seem to think it was one of the best (they may be biased cause they both went there though). You should check the weightings on the league tables and see how it scores on teaching and employability. Then visit. I applied there because I thought it would be a good choice as a reserve though looking at it now I think I'll be going to Durham with Manchester as reserve as Exeter gave me there highest typical offer.
Reply 5
Thank you for all your' responses. I am going to visit Exeter and see how I feel about it. I am still waiting for Edinbrugh and Durham so when I hear from them I will have a better idea of where I want to go.
Reply 6
In terms of league tables, i agree that Exeter isn't right up there. However, league tables must be taken with a pinch of salt. The really important thing is how employers view the university, and in this case it is seen by most as one of the best,placing it alongside Durham, Bristol etc.... Overall though, a uni choice shouldn't be placed entirely on reputation and it's league table position. If you work hard enough at any good institution then you will do well. A good 2.1 from Exeter will allow you to compete against other candidates from other top institutions in the country. I'm in my first year at Exeter this year, and am really enjoying it. In the end, you will know whether it's the right place for you after you've visited. You never know if a place is truly right for you until you get there, just trust your instincts on first impressions. Good luck with your application :smile:
Reply 7
League Tables are of little importance to employers in the Magic Circle; family links, school are...
League tables wise it's not THAT high. From an employer's point of view, I don't know, but certainly from the grade requests (AAA for History) they seem to think they're very good. I personally found the course uninspiring and the area unattractive, and combined with their low ranking in league tables and AAB offers from better ranked Unis, I thought they were asking too much.

And the University of York is attractive?!

I agree that from an academic perspective, they might be asking for grades that are a little too high, but that's just a result of the university's popularity. 2 or 3 years ago (don't know about this year's statistics) Exeter was 7th in the country for the most applications.

Despite Exeter not being absolutely eminent in terms of league table rankings (which are highly questionable anyway in my opinion), its a fun place to be where people don't take themselves too seriously. I know what its like now to attend a highly academic university and despite its prestige, I much prefer Exeter. It gives you a chance to develop personally and meet some amazing individuals, which is ultimately worth more than a first.
League tables wise it's not THAT high. From an employer's point of view, I don't know, but certainly from the grade requests (AAA for History) they seem to think they're very good. I personally found the course uninspiring and the area unattractive, and combined with their low ranking in league tables and AAB offers from better ranked Unis, I thought they were asking too much.

The area unattractive???? :eek:

The sheer beauty of the place almost enticed me to choose Exeter over Nottingham, York and Bristol!
Reply 10
League tables wise it's not THAT high. From an employer's point of view, I don't know, but certainly from the grade requests (AAA for History) they seem to think they're very good. I personally found the course uninspiring and the area unattractive, and combined with their low ranking in league tables and AAB offers from better ranked Unis, I thought they were asking too much.

:eek: How dare you, Exeter rules :cool: :wink:

Susie, are you coming to Exeter or already here?
How can you call the area unnattractive? Are you blind, dear?
Reply 12
now now, he must just really like concrete. York is after all one big block of it, oh apart from that pointless lake in the middle. who wouldn't want that over a beautiful campus and city?

On its rep, it is well thought of though im not sure why! If you ask people they have a good impression of it and put it high up the list when its league table positions are low. But hey thats good for us! Sciences arent great but Social Sciences are well respected and high in the league tables.

I just got accepted to do a postgrad at the LSE, and i'm getting a 2:1 in history, so its rep must be pretty good
People seem to say that Exeter isn't very good for sciences, but i's been rated excellent for mathematics by the Sunday Times, and one of the rare universities rated excellent for computer science by QAA and Sunday Times. I just mentioned two of their excellent sciences because those are the subjects I want to study :smile: (Stats don't mean much, but Exeter can't be bad for sciences if the stats say the opposite!)
Reply 14
now now, he must just really like concrete. York is after all one big block of it, oh apart from that pointless lake in the middle. who wouldn't want that over a beautiful campus and city?

The city of York is much nicer than Exeter and least its not in the middle of nowhere. No offense but if I had a choice between Exeter and York I would pick York every time both academically and because of location.
The city of York is much nicer than Exeter and least its not in the middle of nowhere. No offense but if I had a choice between Exeter and York I would pick York every time both academically and because of location.

I would agree with some of that: York is a very pretty place, with lots of cool bars (like the Evil Eye!), but then it didn't suffer from bombing during WW2 to the extent Exeter did. I spent quite extensive amounts of time in York with my ex but there's no way I would ever choose to live on that campus, no matter what people might say about how they get used to it.

And how is Exeter in the middle of nowhere? It actually has more transport links than York (i.e. National Express and megabus, as well as 4 train stations) and is in some of the most beautiful countryside in England.
Reply 16
What's the fourth one?!
St David's, St James' Park, Central and.....?
League tables wise it's not THAT high. From an employer's point of view, I don't know, but certainly from the grade requests (AAA for History) they seem to think they're very good. I personally found the course uninspiring and the area unattractive, and combined with their low ranking in league tables and AAB offers from better ranked Unis, I thought they were asking too much.

Yeah an AAA standard at Exeter is rediculous.
Evil Muffin
I would agree with some of that: York is a very pretty place, with lots of cool bars (like the Evil Eye!), but then it didn't suffer from bombing during WW2 to the extent Exeter did. I spent quite extensive amounts of time in York with my ex but there's no way I would ever choose to live on that campus, no matter what people might say about how they get used to it.

And how is Exeter in the middle of nowhere? It actually has more transport links than York (i.e. National Express and megabus, as well as 4 train stations) and is in some of the most beautiful countryside in England.

The campus at York isn't that bad, especially outside of the centre areas. The lake and nature make up slightly for the concrete buildings. And a lot of the newer buildings now being built are quite nice. You should also consider academic reputation and on that front York is better by quite a distance.
Evil Muffin
I would agree with some of that: York is a very pretty place, with lots of cool bars (like the Evil Eye!), but then it didn't suffer from bombing during WW2 to the extent Exeter did. I spent quite extensive amounts of time in York with my ex but there's no way I would ever choose to live on that campus, no matter what people might say about how they get used to it.

And how is Exeter in the middle of nowhere? It actually has more transport links than York (i.e. National Express and megabus, as well as 4 train stations) and is in some of the most beautiful countryside in England.

There's even an international airport at Exeter!

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