The Student Room Group

Homerton College Thread

I didn't apply to Homerton, but because of pre-pooling I got an offer there. So I thought I'd start a thread to find out as much as I can about the place, as I didn't even know where it was this morning.

So pros, cons about the place would be really appreciated. And if there is anyone else who has an offer from there please post, be good to meet people.

I'm feeling a bit depressed I didn't get into my college of choice, but hopefully this thread will perk me up.

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Reply 1
What was your college choice?
Homerton is so pretty though, so you should be happy! :biggrin:
Reply 2
I applied to Clare. But was sort of on a whim anyways, so I'm not bothered, I'm glad I got in. Just want to know more about the college.
Reply 3
Also, how much of a walk is it from Homerton to the main Cambridge area, because it looks quite a distance.
Also, how much of a walk is it from Homerton to the main Cambridge area, because it looks quite a distance.

Not too far. maybe 30ish mins walk. Most people cycle it though.

Reply 5
I don't think they offer you accomodation in the 2nd or 3rd year and charge a small fortune for first year accomdoation and formal hall is quite expensive. And you are surrounded by teachers! Having said that everyone I know there seems to have a good time
Reply 6
I don't think they offer you accomodation in the 2nd or 3rd year and charge a small fortune for first year accomdoation and formal hall is quite expensive. And you are surrounded by teachers! Having said that everyone I know there seems to have a good time

All years will get accomodation once the new cripps is built opposite west house. I got in in all my years but i was a scholar in my second.

Formal is 11.50 but you can use the old kfc vouchers. My drinking soc have co-signed a letter to the bursar to contest this. I'll post it if you want a look.

By the time this chap arrives it will be only 25% teachers in his year.

It's about 25 mins walk to Cindies, 7 mins 34 sec record cycling to SPS faculty. That's pretty much all i've ever needed to know.
Reply 7
Thanks man, I'm starting to feel good about this whole situation. Gonna go to cambridge and have a look around and see what the college is actually like and see for myself how far it is from places.
Reply 8
i had an interview and have been pooled from Homerton. It is absolutely gorgeous, you will love it there.
Thanks man, I'm starting to feel good about this whole situation. Gonna go to cambridge and have a look around and see what the college is actually like and see for myself how far it is from places.

Yeah, come up in term time, and some of us students will show you around.

Reply 10
Gonna come down last weekend in january, once my A-levels have finished. Looks like a good college though. I could have gone to a lot worse places.
Reply 11
I got my pool interview at homerton, looks beautiful but seems to have a bad rep due 2 the fact its a teacher/training thingy??
Then again even tho Theology do a weird poolind thing BEFORE the pool, i coudl still get another interview?!! *confuzzled*
Reply 12
Apparently you can walk on the grass at Homerton (Gasp)! This gives you the pleasure of halving cross-college journey times and telling all your jealous friends about it. However it does remove the illegal thrill from post-formal lawn stomping.

Overall I have got the impression that Homerton is a fairly laid back college. Oh and you don't have to have gowns.
Reply 13
Apparently you can walk on the grass at Homerton (Gasp)! This gives you the pleasure of halving cross-college journey times and telling all your jealous friends about it. However it does remove the illegal thrill from post-formal lawn stomping.

Overall I have got the impression that Homerton is a fairly laid back college. Oh and you don't have to have gowns.

You should have gowns if you are going to formal a lot. that's the same for all places. Many of the newer colleges don't have regulation on grass walking.
Reply 14

I'm gonna be at homerton next year studying law
got pooled from downing but now that ive got used to it I'm really happy that ive got into cambridge

I'm also going down at the end of january after my a2 modules are done (8!! :eek: ) so maybe ill see you kellas

any current homerton sutdents on tsr??
Reply 15

I'm gonna be at homerton next year studying law
got pooled from downing but now that ive got used to it I'm really happy that ive got into cambridge

I'm also going down at the end of january after my a2 modules are done (8!! :eek: ) so maybe ill see you kellas

any current homerton sutdents on tsr??

i'm there. i applied there too. lovely place. Shame about the AAA offer (although i'm sure it will present few problems). college really are pushing pool students harder. that said they pretty much offered me 4 As.
Reply 16
cool, well can i ask u a few questions bout the college then?
I go to Hills Road 6th Form, which is basically right next to Homerton. What can I say? I know nothing about it, but it's not too far from the center, good transport links and really pretty grounds.
Reply 18
cool, well can i ask u a few questions bout the college then?

yeah, if you give me a positive rep
Reply 19
alrite then, here are my q's

how long does it really take to get to the centre of cambridge. I've heard a lot of conflicting suggestions with general consensus being 15 minutes by bike.

When does the bus service sotp at ngith and is it free?

Is there really a complete blanket ban on msn and filesharing etc. and is it passable

whats the boy:girl ratio, this doesnt really bother me but I just want to know how exaggerated the 90% girls suggestions are

Is it harder to enjoy the social side of cambridge because your so far away from the centre

Now that homerton have offered me and taken me out of the pool, is there no way any other college can offer me? I'm not ungrateful to get a chance to go to cam but in the end, my main factor when choosing a colllege was 'is it central, yes or no?' and so teh last two colleges of choice would have been girton or homerton for me.