The Student Room Group
Reply 1
you can get it straightaway....
i dont know about the first question - just ask the nurse at the family planning seeing as you're going there anyway - they'll give you the best advice.
Reply 2
You need to know if you're not pregnant; if you're not then you can take the pill straight away.

would u need to take a pregnacy test, before you are given the pills
Reply 3
seeing as i won't be able to find out if im pregnant until my next period, would i still be able to take the pill especially as im virtually certain that im not pregnant (stupid mix-up), but yea!?

is it dangerous to have the two pills in your system stimultaneously?
when you start the pill, you have to be on the first day of your period. thats what my doctor said. that's the best time to start your first cycle
Reply 5
k what happens in a general situation where you have had sex really recently and are thus unable to be totally certain if you pregnant or not; would you still be given the pills to take; or are you advised not to have sex for a while to be 100% certain u are not pregnant?
Reply 6
scarlet ibis
when you start the pill, you have to be on the first day of your period. thats what my doctor said. that's the best time to start your first cycle

you don't HAVE to be on the first day of your can take it on any day of your cycle. However, starting on the first day f your cycle gives protectio straight away so there is no need for additonal methods of contraception e.g. condoms.................if you don't stat on the 1st day of your cycle they suggest using condoms for 7 days..............