The Student Room Group
dya think a history of emtal illness would go against you there?

anyway, is it not just a questionnaire?
Reply 2
I've had to fill in medical questionaires before, but not had an actual medical. Generally though they seem to be to check that you will be able to carry out all the aspects of the job, that you can lift things ok, stand for long peroids, some people wouldnt be able to. Have you got an ongoing medical condition which could affect you at work, allergies etc. As it is a mental hospital they may want to know if you have a history of mental illness (I don't know if they will or not.)
Reply 3
I filled out a medical questionairre and the only ailments I added were diarhea and that I had a migraine once this year. They then read that and ask my doctor to fill out a questionairre also.
I don't don't why I'm getting asked along. I have never had any form of mental illness. I reckon it may be because of the hospital patient environment they need to check you are strong enough and do all the stuff and hepititis B injections and whatever. Posible?
Reply 4
Thats probably it. Just to check that you will be physically ok to carry out all the aspects of the work. And like you say, check innoculations etc. You should be fine from what you have said - dont worry about it!