The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I got them too. And im 100% mine are genetic. Nothing you can do but grin and bear with them
a little decent concealor.
it's all you can do.
Reply 3
Lots of water and fresh fruit and veg.
Reply 4
Sorry but i have to agree with Indus1986, sometimes it really is genetic... :frown:

12-14 hours is a lack of sleep????

and i thought gettign only 5/6 was bad...
Reply 6
I think Anon was saying that they CAN'T be from lack of sleep, because he/she gets 12-14 hours a day. They're a pain, & I often find concealer makes em worse :frown:
i drink water, eat very well and healthily. plenty of sleep, and mine are always dark. always have been. just bad luck genetically.

i use estee lauder concealor.
Reply 8
they can't be there because of lack of sleep cause i often get 12 to 14 hours a day!
Reply 9
I got them really bad, they can't be there because of lack of sleep cause i often get 12 to 14 hours a day!

Any ideas how to get rid?

Be less stressed. Smile more.

Get your pancreas to secrete more hormones.
Reply 10
I get them too. As others have said, sometimes there's nothing you can do about them but cover them up :frown:

Although, I've found that Avon's Lighten Up cream works fairly well, its an eye cream you use in the morning and before you go to bed. It works much better that some more expensive creams out there, like ones by L'Oreal and BeneFit's Eye-con. You could give that a try.
if you are genetic,there is nothing you can do ,just bear with them.or you can do some eye's exercise, eat more fresh vegetable and fruit ,it'll help you .
Why is the poster using the anonymous facility? Hardly reputation damaging or life threatening to have dark circles is it?
I got them really bad, they can't be there because of lack of sleep cause i often get 12 to 14 hours a day!

Any ideas how to get rid?

12 to 14 hours sleep a day!!!!!!

No wonder they're dark... !!!

You're rarely awake! get some sunshine!!