The Student Room Group
If you're a girl then this can be normal, pleeeaasseee dont be a guy!!
Reply 2
Yeh it happens sometimes, usually if you've had a bit to drink recently or you're constantly brought close to orgasm and then *denied* as it were.
Reply 3
i'm a girl, yes.
and i'm glad it can be normal.. :eek:
Reply 4
Actually, it can be a good thing because I do know that if you go for a wee afterwards, you can reduce the chance of cystitis and thrush. Obviously it's not very convenient though. Try strengthening your pelvic floor.
Reply 5
just wondering if anyone has this problem or knows of a way to prevent it.. it's a really annoying problem and i want rid of it.. :frown:
As D&C said it's common for women, pressure on the bladder etc. Go for a wee before-hand so you know the feeling isn't that and you can associate it in your mind differently.

G-spot stimulation has this effect usually too.
Reply 6

G-spot stimulation has this effect usually too.

i heard this on 1 of them sex programmes on channel 4 once... 1 of them ones where their partners are rubbish so someone teaches them about sex then they go home and "do homework" and the couple were trying to find the g spot and apparently when ur there (or close) ur supposed to feel pressure on ur bladder like you need the loo...
Reply 7
i get that as well,most women do. it's like you're about to pee it's so annoying grr :mad: i'm so scared it's actual pee,and i don't really want to be peeing on the guy...yuck!
Yeah female ejaculation is really common, it's just a lot of women take a lot to get that far. It does feel like your about to pee but it's completely different.
Reply 9
Old thread revival?
Reply 10
I doubt the OP wants their thread brought back from beyond the grave...