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You can always rely on those kids to say the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. Cameras and tourettes always goes down well.
Reply 2
I was laughing my head off, that fat one was a whinging cow
oh noooooo!!!!! it was on today!? i was all like planning on watching it an everything...o wel
Reply 4
I really didn't like jen. I don't care if it's Tourette's mixed with a bitof autism. She doesn't care about anyone and seems to think that nothing is her fault.
Jen? I think you mean Jessica. She was the horrible one.

That was a fantastic programme.
Reply 6
Jen? I think you mean Jessica. She was the horrible one.

That was a fantastic programme.

Yup, she's the one.
Yesterday night was full of documentaries for me yesterday. First where the kids were killing themselves because they were unable to stop eating. Then, teenage tourettes camp, and then this thing on sky 1/2 whoch was the top 101 things to be stuck in someone's body-the last one being the twin fietus. Pretty gruesome!
Yup, she's the one.
Yesterday night was full of documentaries for me yesterday. First where the kids were killing themselves because they were unable to stop eating. Then, teenage tourettes camp, and then this thing on sky 1/2 whoch was the top 101 things to be stuck in someone's body-the last one being the twin fietus. Pretty gruesome!
I think I saw that last year. The mind really boggles at some of them.
Reply 8
omg it was hysterical..

THe bit at the airport when the guy at the check-in desk was like right so you can confirm that these bags were packed by yourself and no one else (whatever they say) and Jessica was like yes...BOMB! ...BOMB!
Reply 9
hahaha yes.
Didnt you just love the advert that american guy made up for the Tourettes cream.
And oh my goodness, how much did the dance want to ruin everyones lives?
Reply 10
What about when the littel fat kid was saying 'Jen gives head'...! It idn't look anything like tourettes but was hilarious.

Also, when he asked out Jen (the fat one) and she said 'No' as if she could get someone better!! Then the fat kid was upset!

It was quality viewing time and had me in stitches.

Funniest touretter was the little girl....."BIP"....."BIP".....!
I thought it was great, I watched it intead of doing an essay but that still doesn't explain why I didn't start the essay until 11:50, I think time jumped a bit.
Reply 12
Motherless Child
What about when the littel fat kid was saying 'Jen gives head'...! It idn't look anything like tourettes but was hilarious.

Also, when he asked out Jen (the fat one) and she said 'No' as if she could get someone better!! Then the fat kid was upset!

It was quality viewing time and had me in stitches.

Funniest touretter was the little girl....."BIP"....."BIP".....!

hahahahaha yessss then she got all upset.
And when Jessica had just had that argument on the bus (before the fight) and she was with the councellor and she was like I ****ING HATE HER GRRR and he was like "calm down" and then she goes "YEA THAT WAS MY TOURETTES DEAL WITH IT" and he was all "course it was..especially since you're mad at her...."

hehehe i feel bad for laughing. but it was kinda funny.
Reply 13
Gargh I really did not like Jessica. She used her tourettes and aspergers as an excuse to be a complete bitch. She gives people with aspergers a bad name.
Jen was just so annoying though.. I agree with the other girl about how they should act a bit more mature about things.

It was hilarious but opened my eyes to how teenagers had to deal with tourettes.
I think the fat kid was blaming his wishful thinking on tourettes. "JEN GIVES HEAD, JEN GIVES HEAD".

I also saw the other documentary on the kids with the eating disease. Sure it was a horrible disease but not one of them had a fitness routine. Until they are doing physical activities at least 5 times a week I can have no sympathy.
Reply 16
I think the fat kid was blaming his wishful thinking on tourettes. "JEN GIVES HEAD, JEN GIVES HEAD".

I also saw the other documentary on the kids with the eating disease. Sure it was a horrible disease but not one of them had a fitness routine. Until they are doing physical activities at least 5 times a week I can have no sympathy.

That Raj?? guy really annoyed me. He was horrible to everyone!!!
god yeah, he was truly awful; saying he wanted to sue his mother????????for the supposed cruelty she'd put him through?
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? The guy was enormous and totally denying it!He was one of those people that just made my skin crawl, i wanted to punch him so hard :mad:

but thinking about it, i do agree with SpiralArchitect; i mean, i have somesympathy :p: but its true, not one of those featured did any exercise. There seemed to be no excuse for them not doing any, and it would make a difference to their health, even if they still managed to eat enough for it not to make a huge difference to their weight.

sorry for the slight hijack.....
Reply 18
I like to point out that Jenny (the fat one) goes to my College and actually gets my bus.

She was saying last September of how she was going to be on TV and no-one believed her (you can see why from watching her). The whole bus was saying of how they were going to watch it and I reckon the whole College did because practically everyone knows her for her outbursts.
Reply 19
Does she actually get picked on alot? If so I do feel sorry for her :frown: