The Student Room Group

omg I think I'm going to cry

I got an offer from Cambridge today, and anyway I just noticed something left on my bed. I went over to it and it was a card with my name on it. I opened it and it said this:

Can I just say, whichever option you take, that I am so proud of you, love from Dad, x.

I'm absolutely lost for words. Me and my Dad don't get on all that well, he's got his problems that I have always resented him for, plus the fact that he never went to uni, neither of my parents did, so I don't think my Dad quite understands what Cambridge means, but clearly he knows it's something special and he's proud of me. I just don't know what to say when I speak to him tomorrow morning. Like I say we're not really that close or anything, but I want to tell him how much I appreciate his support. Clearly he didn't feel comfortable to just tell me to my face how proud he is, so I just don't know how to deal with this. (I'm a guy btw, which makes it even harder, sons tend not to express their feelings to their dad's for any girls who didn't realise that :smile: ).

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awww thats sweet...well done on your offer btw *pats Anonymous Thread-starter on the back*
Reply 2
Good for you!

Perhaps write him a message on a card, like he did.
Reply 3
Lol thanks Amina.

Yeah I thought about sending him a card back, but for a start theres no way I can get one between now and tomorrow morning, and also, I don't think I'd be comfortable doing that, theres nowhere I could put it, if I put it in his bed, my Mum would find it.

Also, I've been thinking about it more, and I'm getting freaked out now. What does he mean by 'whichever option you choose', does he think I'm gay or something?
Reply 4
Think what I'd to would be to just not say anything, maybe mention it at the right time. But don't force a thankyou back, specially if your dads like mine and on the occasional father to son moment it's cringingly embarrasing.
Reply 5
doesn't he mean, 'which ever option' as in going to uni or not going to uni, or going to cambridge or going somewhere else, why would you think your dad thinks your gay?
Reply 6
doesn't he mean, 'which ever option' as in going to uni or not going to uni

I would have thought so.
Reply 7

If I were you, right now, I'd just say to him, "you know what, you're a really amazing dad and I love you". I think that every parent needs to hear that they've done alright and that their children don't detest them. He'll always have that, even when you've left home.

And, erm, no. He doesn't think you're gay. But if you are, straight after getting a Cambridge offer would be the prime time to spring it.
Reply 8
Dont bother with the card back.

Wait? Gay or something? Does he have reason to think it? Have you been ambiguous?

I thought it had to do with college, I'm sure it has. He said "option". Not really the words of somebody trying to overcome homophobia.

ANYway, assuming it is to do with going to cambridge :smile:. You wanna express your gratitude to a father. Easy.. I mean the words are easy. The performance around them are not and require a bit of subtlety.

Go to him in the morning.
"I got that note. I just wanted to say..."
Now you pause, smile a little but with a look of gravity on your face as if you are holding back emotion, almost welling up. Look down a little. Then look back up and:
"I just wanted to say thanks"

Et voila, perfectly masculine kodak moment.
Reply 9
kodak lol.

Don't be fake. You will work out how to thank him :smile:
Reply 10
Go to him in the morning.
"I got that note. I just wanted to say..."
Now you pause, smile a little but with a look of gravity on your face as if you are holding back emotion, almost welling up. Look down a little. Then look back up and:
"I just wanted to say thanks"

Et voila, perfectly masculine kodak moment.

*plays a sweet violin in the background*

Personally, I don't think you should make it a performance, genuine moments are few and far between. On the other hand, if you could do that convincingly, I'd fall for it.
Reply 11
Dont bother with the card back.

Wait? Gay or something? Does he have reason to think it? Have you been ambiguous?

I thought it had to do with college, I'm sure it has. He said "option". Not really the words of somebody trying to overcome homophobia.

ANYway, assuming it is to do with going to cambridge :smile:. You wanna express your gratitude to a father. Easy.. I mean the words are easy. The performance around them are not and require a bit of subtlety.

Go to him in the morning.
"I got that note. I just wanted to say..."
Now you pause, smile a little but with a look of gravity on your face as if you are holding back emotion, almost welling up. Look down a little. Then look back up and:
"I just wanted to say thanks"

Et voila, perfectly masculine kodak moment.

Probably the cheesiest thing eva!
Reply 12

Wait? Gay or something? Does he have reason to think it? Have you been ambiguous?

Lol no, I'm not being ambiguous and I'm not actually gay, but I can see why he would think that I am. The only reason I thought that could be it is just the way it's worded, because there isn't really any question of options, I am definitely going to uni and he knows that. Maybe he just means which uni I choose.


Go to him in the morning.
"I got that note. I just wanted to say..."
Now you pause, smile a little but with a look of gravity on your face as if you are holding back emotion, almost welling up. Look down a little. Then look back up and:
"I just wanted to say thanks"

Et voila, perfectly masculine kodak moment.

Lol yeah, I might give that a try. thanks. I do think I could pull it off, I've got to do something otherwise he'll be really offended if I ignore it, he is very easily offended, especially by me. :biggrin:
Reply 14
I'd just go to him, give him a huge hug and might start crying, but thats just me.

Personally, I don't think you should make it a performance, genuine moments are few and far between.
It doesn't have to be a performance if he actually means it. Just a tactful, meaningful way of showing his gratitude.

Probably the cheesiest thing eva!
Only cos I broke it down for ya! If it actually happened there'd be no background music etc. It'd be quick and simple but getting the point across in a relationship where sentiment is not easily expressed through words.

On the other hand, if you could do that convincingly, I'd fall for it.
Heheh, so would I..

Lol yeah, I might give that a try. thanks. I do think I could pull it off
Wish you the best of luck :smile:
Reply 16
Omg, another dilemma!

What do I do with the card? I don't want to embarrass my Dad by leaving it lying around for my brother or mum to find, but if I throw it away my Dad might find it and be even more offended. I'll probably find a hiding place for it in my room, but any better suggestions are welcomed. :smile:
Reply 17
Do you have a shelf? Put it there, somewhere prestigious, he won't feel embarrassed he'll be proud your proud of the card!
Reply 18
I got an offer from Cambridge today, and anyway I just noticed something left on my bed. I went over to it and it was a card with my name on it. I opened it and it said this:

I'm absolutely lost for words. Me and my Dad don't get on all that well, he's got his problems that I have always resented him for, plus the fact that he never went to uni, neither of my parents did, so I don't think my Dad quite understands what Cambridge means, but clearly he knows it's something special and he's proud of me. I just don't know what to say when I speak to him tomorrow morning. Like I say we're not really that close or anything, but I want to tell him how much I appreciate his support. Clearly he didn't feel comfortable to just tell me to my face how proud he is, so I just don't know how to deal with this. (I'm a guy btw, which makes it even harder, sons tend not to express their feelings to their dad's for any girls who didn't realise that :smile: ).

Truly, acronyms cannot express the breadth and depth of my empathy right now.

(On a slightly less hyperbolic note: you have my sincere congratulations.)
Reply 19
Aww... I want to freakin' hug you, right now.

Alas, I shouldn't wish to dislocate anything that might be of use to either one of us again later on. Hence, I do reciprocate, albeit symbolically.