The Student Room Group

Acne Scars

I've always had acne and due to picking zits in the past it has left scars. Ive changed my diet and have started taking care of my face more which seems to have rid me of bad outbreaks but I still have these scars. How do I get rid of them? Also, I used to also be over weight but have since lost a lot of weight--dont know what it is in stones so I wont say but how to I get rid of stretch marks as well. :smile: thanx
Stretch marks never disappear they only fade to a kinda silvery colour with time (and all the expensive creams out there won't make em any less visible).

I'd say same with the scars although if they're red and angry looking that might die down with time.
Reply 2
My face is the same. :smile: Don't think it'll ever go away completely just become a bit lighter (like if they're a bit red now they'll fade a little). I only know of laser...
take zinc tablets and vit E.
Reply 4
these acne scars will die out compleately over time. i am very certain of that from my own experience. However if they are really bothering you, you can easily buy a face peel that costs around £20 which will burn the top layer of your skin off and then it will leave you fresh looking skin. Definately one to try. My girlfriend got it done and now she looks boom!
take zinc tablets and vit E.

vit E has been proven to not help with healing scars. Zinc does help though i think.
Reply 6
Now she looks "boom" lol funny :smile: What face peel was that? I hope I can find it in america :confused: and as for the Zinc tablets you can just buy them in a bottle like I do with my vitamin C pills? So Mederma or those other scar creams really dont work? and has anyone tried pro-active? sorry for all the questions :smile:
Reply 7
Good question threadstarter :smile:
Reply 8
You can get this stuff from the chemist called Bio-Oil which apparantely reduces the appearance of scars and strectch marks. I imagine it will take a while to work though.
Reply 9
Nicam Gel (Nicotinamide 4%) is highly effective as treatment for acne vulgaris <-- not sure if this is an OTC drug but try asking your pharmacist or GP about it.
Reply 10
thanx! I'm gonna try this stuff out because my dermatologist is not helpful at all. She gave me some prescribed stuff for acne scars it worked somewhat but burned like hell and I had to wear sun screen on my face with it, it was that bad. but thanx again!!! :smile:
Reply 11
However if they are really bothering you, you can easily buy a face peel that costs around £20 which will burn the top layer of your skin off and then it will leave you fresh looking skin. Definately one to try. My girlfriend got it done and now she looks boom!

What did she use? Apparently something from the body shop in a light blueish container (can't remember the name) works quite well. I'd like to do something like this as long as my skin didn't look all red and yucky forever afterwards. Don't you have to stay inside for a week after you do this because your face is all raw?

Also lavender is supposed to help with acne scars, use diluted lavendar oil (pure can burn you/cause irritation) or lavender moisturiser on your face to get rid of it.
Reply 12
yeah you can get this done for you at any beauty shop. yes you do have to stay indoors for 2 days after the chemical has been applied. but it looks sooooooo much better. and works very effectively!
Reply 13
They will come off with layer after layer of skin, especially if you shave.
Reply 14
They will come off with layer after layer of skin, especially if you shave. Dermabrasion is something that you can have done with a machine that takes of your skin to remove the scars too.
Reply 15
zinc and vitamin e will make it better, drinking lots of water, moisturizing etc. will also help your face; exfoliating will also especially when you feel a breakout coming out exfoliating can significantly shorten the breakout or prevent it completely

and slowly over time (yes time means years) they will go away, or become so unnoticeable you won't think about them anymore