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Please Help In So Much Pain Cant Stand It

my ear is hurting so bad feels like i have something stuck inside it and when i swallow its hurts so bad it makes me cry i am in absolute agony also when i swallow a disgusting mucus goes into my mouth and it makes me fell sick

i am also having hot and cold flushes and sweats

i cant go to the doctor because i am only registered to the one at uni now which is 4hrs away and i am not back there until next week

my mum has gone to the pharmise(sp?)/chemists to see what they can suggest

i cant take this pain anymore please help

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Reply 1
my ear is hurting so bad feels like i have something stuck inside it and when i swallow its hurts so bad it makes me cry i am in absolute agony also when i swallow a disgusting mucus goes into my mouth and it makes me fell sick

i am also having hot and cold flushes and sweats

i cant go to the doctor because i am only registered to the one at uni now which is 4hrs away and i am not back there until next week

my mum has gone to the pharmise(sp?)/chemists to see what they can suggest

i cant take this pain anymore please help
Go to your local doctor - they will see you as a visiting patient
Reply 2
Youve probably got an ear infection take some ibruprofen and get to the local dr as an emergency appointment.
Reply 3
Go to your local doctor - they will see you as a visiting patient

Agreed. You should be able to go to almost any GP definitely as a visiting patient. Sounds like an ear-ache/infection. iirc from childhood they're quite unbearably painful.
Youve probably got an ear infection take some ibruprofen and get to the local dr as an emergency appointment.

:ditto: sounds like an inner ear infection only thing chemists can provide is quite a weak mixture for outer ear infections usually - you may need antibiotics do what elipsis suggested ring a doctor and get an emergency appointment :smile: xoxo
Reply 5
Go to the hospital if you are that much pain. Seriously.
It could be something more serious than an ear infection, I'd recommend A&E. It's something you'll want to get a doctor to look at before you return to uni. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.
Reply 7
could it be parotitis or something? I've got no idea but I got parotitis when I was about 7, 8 and my ear hurt.
If it's an infection you'll have to get some antibiotics or you could risk deafness. It almost happened to my brother.
Reply 9
It could be something more serious than an ear infection, I'd recommend A&E. It's something you'll want to get a doctor to look at before you return to uni. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.

Its probably easier to go to your doc first rather than straight to A&E........if its something as simple as an ear infection she does not require A&E treatment...............................why wait 5 hours in A7E for something your doctor could prescribe for in 5 mins? This doesn't sound like an a&e case to me

If your doc thinks its that serious he'll tell you to go to A&E but I doubt it is..........if you're unsure phone NHS direct
A&E seems a bit extreme (not to trivialise your pain) - they are very busy people down there.

Your local doctor will definitely see you. I had to go to mine over Christmas, even though I'm now registered with the one at uni. They just give you a little form to fill out.

NHS direct is a good idea. Tbh they'll just speculate on what it could be, but their speculations are likely to be far more helpful and accurate than ours!
Reply 11
My sister and I are only registered with a doctor in Brighton (we go to school there), but she's been really ill recently and my she went to see our local GP. They'll take you as a visiting patient.
Reply 12
Maybe it's your glands, I had the same thing a year back, agony in my ear etc. Get a course of anti-biotics and watch afternoon soaps for a couple of weeks. Job done.
Reply 13
NHS Direct - 0845 4647
yes you can definitely see your local GP as a visiting patient i have done it too!
it sounds serious, so if you can't see the doc within 24 hours i'd go to A and E the triage nurse will assess the serious ness of it and will prob be able to tell you whether or not you are an urgent case!!
you won't necessarily have to wait 5 hours at a and e by the way, yes they are busy there but if you need to see a doctor then you need to see a doctor!
personally, if you are in so much pain you can't stand it then i would head to a and e straight away!!
Reply 15
Been on holiday or swimming recently? I got an ear infection on holiday in Turkey and when to the chemist for 2 sets of ear drops and huge mofo antibiotics.
It hurt like absolute hell and I couldn't put my head on my pillow for 3 days so I sympathise *hugs* :'(
Reply 16
my ear is hurting so bad feels like i have something stuck inside it and when i swallow its hurts so bad it makes me cry i am in absolute agony also when i swallow a disgusting mucus goes into my mouth and it makes me fell sick

i am also having hot and cold flushes and sweats

i cant go to the doctor because i am only registered to the one at uni now which is 4hrs away and i am not back there until next week

my mum has gone to the pharmise(sp?)/chemists to see what they can suggest

i cant take this pain anymore please help

At the GP surgery where I have a placement, a patient came in today presenting exactly these symptoms, and the treatment was a combination of antibiotics and painkillers. The treatment has to be tailored to your individual condition so it would be better for you by all means to see a GP who can assess your history and give you a physical examination.
Reply 17
go to GP..sounds the bastard ear infections i used to get all the time - mine resulted in my ear drum bursting each time so get to the doctor straight away!
Reply 18
i get this pain about once every two years. its an ear infection and i always visit my GP as an emergency appointment, you have to wait a couple of hours but you will get seen to. you will get ear drops to use twice a day. i reccomend you finish the course, cos it can come back!
(I've only just noticed this but I've had every medical problem on here I swear)
It could be Otitus Externa. You dont notice that much till its coming on and then you are in so much pain.
When I had it it ended up getting so bad and i went to the doctor and he gave me some wussy ear drops then in the end i couldnt move the side of my face it was on. So i went to the hospital and got some proper drugs.