The Student Room Group

Rejection at Cambridge- is it the end?


Been rejected by Cambridge (nat sci). And feeling a bit dispondent and demotivated.
I have applied for the following courses:

Cam natsci - rejected
UCL - natsci - Interview in Feb
UCL - biochem - Interview in Jan
Bristol - biochem - Offer aab
Bath - biochem - Offer aab
Durham - natsci - slow!!

Are these the right courses. Im thinking of UCL or Bristol, is the reputation among employers similar, or is it a case of Oxbridge being the only stand out uni and the rest are all similar.

Thanks from Iain (soul searcher)
Reply 1
I got rejected. Life seems to be ended to me, to be honest. I completly lose my direction. I used to work very hard, but now I can not tell what I did that for.

After a sleepless night, I set my new goal of showing them ( cambridge and girton in particular) that they have made a wrong decision, completely wrong ) ( by a bomb attack ? it's silly, dun worry that much, girtonians)

Just want to show them, they have lost one of the most potential student. :motz:
Controversial statement of the day:

If you think life is over because you didn't make Oxbridge, you really shouldn't have gone and you didn't have a life to begin with.
Reply 3
Controversial statement of the day:

If you think life is over because you didn't make Oxbridge, you really shouldn't have gone and you didn't have a life to begin with.

personally, i don't believe my life is over. Just gutted, I have friends who i thought were guaranteed a place but were rejected. Im just trying to make sure I still have a good chance with the unis i have applied to
I got rejected. Life seems to be ended to me, to be honest. I completly lose my direction. I used to work very hard, but now I can not tell what I did that for.

After a sleepless night, I set my new goal of showing them ( cambridge and girton in particular) that they have made a wrong decision, completely wrong ) ( by a bomb attack ? it's silly, dun worry that much, girtonians)

Just want to show them, they have lost one of the most potential student. :motz:

How would you have coped, with your truly abyssmal command of English ?
Perhaps that is one of the reasons why you were rejected.
Reply 5
Hell, my school's full of bright students and hardly any of them make it into Oxbridge. I thought getting rejected was the most likely thing to happen to applicants, but that's just me...
Reply 6
Yeah just keep going man, Cambridge is NOT the end of the world. I have a friend who went for an interview there for Physics. WHile he waited in the student union bar he overheard a conversation between 2 people who were 'just not in this reality'. He decided against going cos he felt that the people there were far too 'nerdy' for lack of a better word, they were just off in another world, and you had to be part of 'some clique' etc to be accepted kinda thing. It sounded like the socially inept go there, the kinda place you lock yourself away from the world to study in, so dont worry. UCL would be much better, better setting , better integration with society etc.
Reply 7
oxbridge is only as good as the next redbrick uni down... so i'd say UCL/Bristol would be fine!
Reply 8
personally, i don't believe my life is over. Just gutted, I have friends who i thought were guaranteed a place but were rejected. Im just trying to make sure I still have a good chance with the unis i have applied to

n yea, don't worry about that! cambridge reject many more than they accept, but seeing how you applied to Cam=you are a smart person!

I was rejected by UCL when i had no offers! it was my 3rd choice, i was really scared that everyone will reject me (especially LSE)...cos i thought (as arrogant as it may sound) UCL will def accept me (foolish, stupid and arrogant...the deadly combo), but some my other unis took me :smile: so don't worry. Each unis have different selection criteria (even similar ones like UCL n LSE...) so heads up! If you applied to oxbridge it means that you are in the top 1% of the student population in britian (not saying all those in top 1% will apply to oxbridge) and other's will be happy to take you! :biggrin:
n yea, don't worry about that! cambridge reject many more than they accept, but seeing how you applied to Cam=you are a smart person!

I was rejected by UCL when i had no offers! it was my 3rd choice, i was really scared that everyone will reject me (especially LSE)...cos i thought (as arrogant as it may sound) UCL will def accept me (foolish, stupid and arrogant...the deadly combo), but some my other unis took me :smile: so don't worry. Each unis have different selection criteria (even similar ones like UCL n LSE...) so heads up! If you applied to oxbridge it means that you are in the top 1% of the student population in britian (not saying all those in top 1% will apply to oxbridge) and other's will be happy to take you! :biggrin:

I'll say that in my opinion, Traum has great grades - but submitted a dodgy PS that doesn't reflect her particularly well.
Controversial statement of the day:

If you think life is over because you didn't make Oxbridge, you really shouldn't have gone and you didn't have a life to begin with.
Exactly mate. Why can't people be greatful these days, they are a hell of a lot more fortunate than they think!
How would you have coped, with your truly abyssmal command of English ?
Perhaps that is one of the reasons why you were rejected.

Sorry, had to... It's 'abysmal'.
The end? If it means that much to you, take a gap year and reapply next year. If being rejected has really put you off working, then you will not attain the grades needed for Oxbridge, and sort of be fulfilling your own failure prophecy.

If you loved Cambridge that much (as I did when I went) then work bloody hard and reapply. In the end, if you already have AAA when you apply, then if you are rejected then it cannot be down to your academic record, so must be down to them thinking you're not suited to Cambridge life.

I myself have been rejected from Cambridge. And Bristol. And Edinburgh. That leaves York and Durham, and I've listed them in the order of which I wanted to go to first. So yes, only my least favourite two universities to choose from. And I've not heard anything from Durham, so that may be a rejection. All this despite 4 teachers saying I have an excellent PS, and AAAAC grade A level predictions. Is my life over?

No. I'm going to get my predicted grades, reapply next year, and see what happens. If I don't get into the universities, then it was obviously not meant to be. But my life's much too precious to spend the rest of it thinking about being a Cambridge reject.
Reply 13
n yea, don't worry about that! cambridge reject many more than they accept, but seeing how you applied to Cam=you are a smart person!

I was rejected by UCL when i had no offers! it was my 3rd choice, i was really scared that everyone will reject me (especially LSE)...cos i thought (as arrogant as it may sound) UCL will def accept me (foolish, stupid and arrogant...the deadly combo), but some my other unis took me :smile: so don't worry. Each unis have different selection criteria (even similar ones like UCL n LSE...) so heads up! If you applied to oxbridge it means that you are in the top 1% of the student population in britian (not saying all those in top 1% will apply to oxbridge) and other's will be happy to take you! :biggrin:

It's strange seeing how very intelligent people get a lot of rejections these days. I was applying in 2001 for 2002 entry and, because I got into Oxford, I got all six offers. I'm not saying this to brag at all, because back then, the same would've been true for most people who got into Oxbridge. It's really bizarre how much the situation's changed in just a few short years.

And at the end of the day, it really shouldn't matter too much. The brightest students will get top marks at whatever Uni they go to.