The end? If it means that much to you, take a gap year and reapply next year. If being rejected has really put you off working, then you will not attain the grades needed for Oxbridge, and sort of be fulfilling your own failure prophecy.
If you loved Cambridge that much (as I did when I went) then work bloody hard and reapply. In the end, if you already have AAA when you apply, then if you are rejected then it cannot be down to your academic record, so must be down to them thinking you're not suited to Cambridge life.
I myself have been rejected from Cambridge. And Bristol. And Edinburgh. That leaves York and Durham, and I've listed them in the order of which I wanted to go to first. So yes, only my least favourite two universities to choose from. And I've not heard anything from Durham, so that may be a rejection. All this despite 4 teachers saying I have an excellent PS, and AAAAC grade A level predictions. Is my life over?
No. I'm going to get my predicted grades, reapply next year, and see what happens. If I don't get into the universities, then it was obviously not meant to be. But my life's much too precious to spend the rest of it thinking about being a Cambridge reject.