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Reply 1
Guys and girls do it.
Reply 2
It puzzles me, I always see hot girls with really ugly friends. When they go clubbing, shopping etc. It seems that they do that so as to make themselves look better and be the center point of attention... It is just something I have noticed, not saying it is true of ALL girls...
Never a truer word spoken!
Lmao, I've noticed this. I'm actually not sure why but this seems to be common.

Although you do get hot girls with hot freinds as well, which is always a bonus for your freind.
Reply 4
And why do the ugly ones have such attitude, its like the hot ones lies to the ugly one with comments such as "ohh you are so pretty/cute/adorable/other sickening term"... Then the ugly ones think they are all that and get offended and protective when you concentrate on the hot one...

Such strange social behaviour...
Reply 5
And why do the ugly ones have such attitude, its like the hot ones lies to the ugly one with comments such as "ohh you are so pretty/cute/adorable/other sickening term"... Then the ugly ones think they are all that and get offended and protective when you concentrate on the hot one...

Such strange social behaviour...

Maybe because they are pissed off that everybody ignors them? :rolleyes:
Reply 6
Maybe because they are pissed off that everybody ignors them? :rolleyes:

Hardly our fault is it?
Reply 7
haven't noticed, but certainly I will give it a bit more attention now.
Reply 8
this is MOSTLY true. although, my observation is that this happens because the hot girl wants to look better and boost their ego, so they hang round with an 'ugly' friend. and the 'ugly' friend wants to appear cool, as she's hanging round with no doubt one of the most popular girls around. i believe there's some sort of sciency type word for it where 2 beings coexist in the same space and live off of eachother to ensure their survival. It might well apply here although knowing me, it's quite doubtful.
I aint noticed it myself. Could just be for every 'good looking' person there is someone that looks below average.

(Long time no see Shushi!)


this is MOSTLY true. although, my observation is that this happens because the hot girl wants to look better and boost their ego, so they hang round with an 'ugly' friend. and the 'ugly' friend wants to appear cool, as she's hanging round with no doubt one of the most popular girls around. i believe there's some sort of sciency type word for it where 2 beings coexist in the same space and live off of eachother to ensure their survival. It might well apply here although knowing me, it's quite doubtful.

It all lies in your own opinion of the girl really.. because you might think one girl in the group is fit, but her best mate is really ugly. Someone else will think that your ugly girl is the fittest, and the fit girl the ugliest! If you get what I mean!? :rolleyes:
could well be... well done watson
Reply 12
I don't think people think about how ugly the person is when they make friends, do they? Maybe because we ugly people have a better personality...

(yeah I are keeping alright?)
man the level of threads on this health & relationships forum is getting more and more depressing
Reply 14
It's called the "Ugly Minder" phenomenon, basically there is no point in having someone around you who is hotter as they will get the attention and who the hell wants the attention off you? Ugly Minders are everywhere. Girls who are hot tend to go out in packs of other good looking girls, and out in doubles with Ugly Minders
Reply 15
It all lies in your own opinion of the girl really.. because you might think one girl in the group is fit, but her best mate is really ugly. Someone else will think that your ugly girl is the fittest, and the fit girl the ugliest! If you get what I mean!? :rolleyes:
couldn't agree more :biggrin:
Reply 17
man the level of threads on this health & relationships forum is getting more and more depressing
haha you are bored as well right?
i believe there's some sort of sciency type word for it where 2 beings coexist in the same space and live off of eachother to ensure their survival. It might well apply here although knowing me, it's quite doubtful.


... :cool:
Reply 19
I think this thread is a lot of rubbish. People don't generally pick their friends according to how 'hot' they are, unless they're shallow. All people are different, so expect a mixture. Judging a 'hot' person's friends is shallow. Get a grip. Why should you or your mate have a pick of 'hot' girls. That's immature and sex-obsessed. Do you go out on the pull at clubs, caring only for what girls look like, not considering personality/intelligence? Get to know the person before you make comments on their face, which is obviously normal. I wonder if you, thread starter, are as 'hot' in girls eyes as you seem to label them.