The Student Room Group

A burning question

I had sex for the first time last week without a condom (i'm on the pill). A few days ago, my... :p: became really itchy and slightly inflamed looking. After having a shower it temporarily stops the itchyness but it soon returns after an hour or so. (My bf and I were both virgins beforehand so I assume neither of us had any sort of infection going on). Could anyone suggest a reason for this or what I should do to combat this problem? Thank you very much! :frown:

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Reply 1
probably thrush, or bacterial vagenosis, both caused by the acidity of semen or something, though they aren't std's so don't worry but get checked out so you can get some antibiotics or something to fix it!
Reply 2
Im gonna check back on this thread.. ive always wondered if it's possible to 'have' Std's already if you're a virgin!
Reply 3
Go and see your GP, he/she'll be able to work out what it is and sort it out.
I'm not going to the GP!
Reply 4
Probably thrush/a yeast infection. Google for symptoms and see if it sounds like what you have...there are loads of cures you can buy from the pharmacy or something. Go to the doctor if you're not sure.
Reply 5
I think little jonny has been in more holes than a cave explorer... get him checked for STD's...
Reply 6
I'm not going to the GP!

Why not? I can guarantee that they will have seen patients with this sort of problem many times before... It's a little silly to be embarrassed, to be honest. The alternative is suffering or self-diagnosing, both of which are best avoided.
Reply 7
And dont forget they will have seen everything before, they wont think badly of you or anything!
Reply 8
Aye, go see your GP... you silly girl... Or you can come see me, I'll sort it out for you..
Reply 9
Why don't you want to go to the GP? It's completely confidential, and you only have to explain your symptoms, you don't have to show them off lol.
My GP is one of my parent's friends, so no. :p:
Reply 10
I'm not going to the GP!
if your not mature enouhg to see a gp when your worried you ob not mature enough for sex
You don't have to see YOUR GP - you can request to see any one of the GPs at your practice.
My GP is one of my parent's friends, so no. :p:
ask for an appointment with another doctor at the practice? even if your GP is friends with your parents he still can't say anything about it to them though...
Reply 13
Can't I just get anything from a pharmacy for it? No? :confused:
Reply 14
you dont even know what it is for christ sake
Can't I just get anything from a pharmacy for it? No? :confused:
Not without knowing what it is for sure... It's not not safe to take stuff you don't need to!
Reply 16
you dont even know what it is for christ sake
But wouldn't diagnosis require examination?
Reply 17
Can't I just get anything from a pharmacy for it? No? :confused:

Just be an adult about it and go and see a doctor. No-one here can diagnose you. Sorry to be getting impatient but the "I refuse to go and see a GP" attitude irritates me somewhat.

It's really not a big deal. :smile:
Reply 18
Well I think it's clear I'm going to have to seek some sort of medical help tomorrow. I think I may actually ask the local family planning clinic if they could give me any advice as I know there are doctors there but is there anything I could do until tomorrow to stop the itchyness as a temporary fix to tide me over until then? :frown:
Reply 19
I don't think there is... good luck, anyway :smile: