this thread is for all those people whose new years resolution it is to quit smoking!!
i just wanted to tell you all that i finally did it in october and have never looked back. i feel so much healthier now!! i no longer piss off my friends at the pub or have to go outside for a sneaky one at dinner parties! i no longer stink! my hangovers are soo much better! i have an extra 30 quid a week! i don't wake up coughing! i can excersise easier! i no longer dread going home to my parents cos i wont be able to smoke in the house! etc etc....
and i really didn't think quitting was all that hard at the end of the day. as long as you are determined to do it you can... you have gotta want to quit more than you want a cigarrette.
the worst part for me was breaking the link between drinking and smoking. i had to stop drinking altogether for a fortnight and then re-start slowly, and change what i normally drank...switched from pints to G&T!
i'd say it took 3 months to fully never want a cigarrette, sober and when drinking...but now i feel great and am totally sanctimonious to all the smokers i know. now when someone offers me a fag it feels so great to say 'nah thanks i don't smoke!'
keep going, it keeps getting easier!!