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Reply 1

Reply 2
no way
2 + 2 = 5 beat me to it... but the answer's the same: AFAIK no.
New question: What does AFAIK mean?

(Yeah, I'm a wee bit slow with these things...)
if only!
Reply 6
as far as i know (AFAIK)
I see I see. Thank you.
yeh its possible. thats how i got in.
yeh its possible. thats how i got in.

Reply 10
So no chance then :frown:
Reply 11
Sorry, I think somewhere in the prospectus it says


'Cos we're special...
I can't believe this was a serious question. Think about it logically. Oxford is one of the most prestigious Universities in the world. Few people who apply to Oxford will not take up an offer if it is handed to them. Secondly, the complex admissions procedure means offers are only handed out to people who tutors are confident can achieve the grades. Obviously, a minority will not meet the grade requirements and thus miss out on their place (this is likely to be me come August), but this is why open offers are made. I also heard somewhere that they often give out more offers than there are generally places, because some students each year guaranteed not to meet the requirements. Have you tried London Met?
Reply 13
There is definitely a back door in. I knew a few peeps who didn't apply initially who got in during August. All AAAAA spodlets though... The last I definitely know of graduated in the summer of 2004 (physiology).
Reply 14
yer, oxbridge simply don't do it. but a mate of mine managed to not get into sheffield for geography (BBB) with like BCC or something then got into durham (AAB/ABB) through clearing. crazyness - but he was literally the 1st one on the fone i think...
Reply 15
clearing is a wonderful of my friend got in to Notts biology (ABB) with DDD last year...

but no, oxford doesn't do it... wonder what the "back door way" is...:p:
Reply 16
clearing is a wonderful of my friend got in to Notts biology (ABB) with DDD last year...

but no, oxford doesn't do it... wonder what the "back door way" is...:p:

Knowing the 'right' people and having fecking fantastic grades. Who said the Old Boys Network was dead :wink:!
Reply 17
fecking fantastic grades probably results from 10 years of v good (if not private) education...:biggrin:
its more than possible to get on a course in oxford through those means... but only if you fancy oxford brookes.
Reply 19
I wonder if you JUST miss on the marks (like 5% off an A), is it still possible to get in?? Somehow?