The Student Room Group

Not sure what to do?

My closest friend from uni happens to live in the same area as I do at home. We only knew each other for a couple of weeks before uni as we happened to work at the same place over the summer but have become extremely close friends.
Basically she invited me out for a meal with some of her good friends. One of her friends has only recently come out as bi. I talked to him for sum of the night and he seemed like a really nice guy. My friend was sitting in between the two of us, so we couldn't talk in too much depth and there was allot of group conversation.
When my friend was at the bar he asked me for my number, which I gave to him. I assumed he was just being friendly. He is coming to visit my friend at university. He left before everyone else as he was driving home and we were all drinking, he sent me a text saying that he’s looking forward to visiting my friend and it will be good to see me too and that it was great to meet me. I showed my friend the text and I could tell she was a bit shocked.
He just texted me asking about my day ect ect and if I’m with anyone @ the mo? Am I right in thinking that he is interested in me?
I not really sure what to do if so? Just before the holidays I started seeing a guy at university who I met at the LGB. He seems great, but as its early days it’s nothing serious and not sure if I could class it as being with someone.
The thing is I do really like the guy that texted me based on first impressions and from what I have heard from my friend he is a sound person. Normally I would talk to my close friend from uni about this but not sure how her friend would feel about this. Do u think I should ask her advice? Not sure what to reply to his question? Thanks for your opinions.
. :smile:
If you are bi or gay, go for it. 1) Asked for your number 2) texted you back 3) asked you if you were single.....the signs are all there it seems! :smile:
In other words, get in! :smile: Just keep up with the contact and maybe broach the idea of meeting up? hope it works out
Reply 3
Thanks for the advice, i am going to text him back. :smile:
Reply 4
Good luck!